LOVE THOSE ONIONS in Postcards 4

  • Oct. 30, 2018, 7:25 a.m.
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  • Public

1986: Watermelon and onion work on paper. Acrylic and pastel, 8x5. Dale and Mage at the cable street house.

Off to work this morning. Had lunch with old work friend, and listened to myself give a very flimsy excuse for all my anger. Oh well….the company and lunch were wonderful. Came home to housework and reading. Didn’t feel well by dinner.

  • Himself: He has work.

  • Myself: Books.

  • Reading: Rereading “The Only Way to Cross.”

  • Gratitude’s: Slept well, woke up feeling fine.

gattaca October 30, 2018

You're allowed to be angry and not have to account to anyone for it. ;-)

Zipster October 30, 2018

Love the painting-you have such great color sense and composition. Glad you were feeling better this morning. Heck, aging makes me angry everyday and then I remind myself it's better than the alternative!

Hillbilly Princess October 30, 2018


Katren...In Conclusion October 30, 2018


aunty EM October 30, 2018

Glad you're feeling better...about everything.

Marg October 31, 2018

Glad you felt much better after a good sleep!

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