CLATTER in Postcards 4

  • June 27, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
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2017: Old friends.

Not all Comic Con attendees are young and mobile. This lovely man is our favorite jeweler in real life. Not in real life, he is an enthusiastic member of the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Their web page tells me, “The Society for Creative Anachronism is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Our “Known World” consists of 20 kingdoms, with over 30,000 members residing in countries around the world. Members, dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance, attend events which feature tournaments, royal courts, feasts, dancing, various classes & workshops, and more.”

Even at Comic Con, they not only joust in mail and armor they built, they have a booth where they share all the crafts and arts. I find them fascinating, but personally cannot imagine spending all that time and energy on reenactments. I have enough trouble maintaining one costume that I wear just one day a year. I took the side seams all apart yesterday to bring it up to specs. After the sewing machine stabbed me in a finger, it refused to sew with an unappreciated clatter.

Tomorrow I will attack this glitch with great verve.

  • Himself: Working way too many long hours.

  • Me, myself, and I: Would you believe, a foot fungus. I am also joining other friends in turning off the news negativity but am feeling less angry at the world.

  • Reading: Hillerman, and sitting with it in my chair downstairs, I keep falling asleep.

  • Gratitude’s: Books till noonish, then maybe tackling the sewing machine. I only have two major seams to sew. LOL

Hillbilly Princess June 27, 2018

Deleted user June 27, 2018

That society sounds fascinating . But like you said ; it would be a lot of work to participate. I would like to read more about them though !
I just ordered a big silver ring with a dragon climbing over the stone . I think the stone is an aquamarine . Franks thinks it’s ugly but I think it’s unique :-) We have wildly different tastes. I like jewelry that’s symbolic . He think jewelry is a waste of money :-)
Starting a new book today ; I wasted time on a couple of ones I am not sure how they got published ; I did not finish either of them . Hope this one is better . The last I read was at least interesting ; The Dogwalkers Diary by Kathryn Donahgue.

NorthernSeeker June 27, 2018

That Society has put on events in northern BC.

Marg June 30, 2018

I can't read more than a few pages of my book without falling asleep too - it's taking me ages to get through anything!

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