1/31/05 in Victim of Society

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 6:22 a.m.
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Kyle was scarying me so much today at work it sucked. I dont want to ever work alone with him again. No he wasnt doing sexual stuff you perverts haha. He was just being mean. Giving me really bad looks, staring at me(I saw him thru that reflection of the window) :-( Just a bunch of stuff that made me feel uncomfortable like he was mad at me or sumthing. Then he flipped me off! (yes i saw that thru the reflection too) He's an ass.

But anyways. I still am trying to tell myself I do not like Craig anymore then a friend. And I think its working. Kinda. Sorta...not really :-( ugh im lame. Liking him is just definatly a no-no.

Hmmm..well not much else going on lately. Braces off in 2 days yayyyyyy

I wanted to have a suprise party for margot this friday but the beach just sounds so much more fun. My cousin faye, uncle john and grandpa are coming down this weekend anyways. Then super bowl is on sunday haha i never watch that stupid thing ne waz and besides i have to work. Its gonna be so busy ..stupid football.

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