Some Improvements At Last in Scottish Meanderings

Revised: 02/03/2018 1:36 p.m.

  • Feb. 2, 2018, 6 p.m.
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I remember when on a holiday in Yorkshire a long time ago with Nikki and her cousin, Caroline, in a desperate attempt to get privacy to write my diary, I ended up in the private sauna room which was part of our holiday cottage. The girls would have been about 13 at the time and they thought it fun to seek me out and bug me, knowing I was desperate for 5 minutes peace. Once Caroline realised what I was doing she incredulously asked, genuinely puzzled, “But what on earth do you write about?”.

It’s a strange thing this diary writing business - what makes someone want to keep a diary and be compelled to write about the minutiae of life? It totally fascinates me and one of the things I’m going to do when I’m better is check out the Mass Observation Project which originally started during the war as a sort of social experiment. People were selected to write diaries about their experiences during the war and were given directives about once a month from the Mass Observation office but all writing was kept anonymous so that they would not be identified. Some very prolific writers emerged which otherwise would never have seen the light of day. I think this project still exists actually - I seem to remember seeing a website a few years ago and discovering people are still writing for them - I must check it out properly sometime.

I’m now in the fourth month of withdrawal and at last starting to see some overall improvements. It’s been a long time coming as it was this time last year that I started to go into interdose withdrawal which I mistook for a relapse of the chronic fatigue and by July I was unable to go out anywhere at all without becoming ill. By August I was getting one hour’s sleep a night, experiencing anxiety which was off the charts, totally unable to nap during the day and was in the grip of an all-encompassing fear and severe agoraphobia which rendered me completely dysfunctional for several months.

It’s a long time to be ill and so totally disconnected from the world and the whole experience has left me really shattered and actually quite blindsided. I don’t think you can come through something like that and not be marked in some way. I’ve also been completely shocked by the way some members of my family have handled it (or rather not handled it) but I think that’s fodder for a different entry. Let’s concentrate on the good stuff for this one!

In the past few weeks I’ve finally been able to poke a hole in the dreadful agoraphobia which is part of this thing and take the car out for short journeys. I’d been able to go to TESCO (a supermarket within the housing estate) once or twice as long as I parked in the staff car park round the back as I couldn’t yet cope with getting stuck in traffic queues or at lights. I could also only (with a lot of self-talk and deep breathing) manage to get inside the shop, grab a couple of sandwiches then get the hell out of there as soon as possible but not long into the New Year I began to get slightly better days so decided to try again and this time I was in there for about the length of time for a normal shop. I kept buying a few things, shoving them through the checkout, assessing body and brain, realising I was okay and trying again. I ended up doing that 5 times in total and kept expecting a heavy hand on my shoulder as the Store Detective grew increasingly suspicious!

So that was good.

The following week I had some medication to pick up. Normally the local Pharmacy delivers it but I’d been out when they’d come so instead of getting it re-delivered, I tried doing a dry run on the Sunday for the real thing on the Monday. That was quite a big deal because it was the first time I’d driven outside of the housing estate I live in and was further than I’d been before, not to mention tackling main roads. But I managed and bought the cats some tins of tuna chunks from a local shop to celebrate! Unfortunately the Monday wasn’t a good day so the real thing didn’t happen but, encouraged by the outing, I attempted getting to a Post Office roughly the same distance away in the opposite direction the following week and made that as well. Which meant that my nephew and his wife in New York finally got the present I’d bought for their new baby born in September last year!

That same week I decided to attempt something else I’ve been waiting 8 months to do and asked Nikki if she could pick me up to go and watch Lily at her swimming lesson. She goes on a Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. and I used to pop down in my car and watch her while helping Nikki look after Lilah at the same time. It’s been really horrible not being able to go all these months but finally, that week, I got there. I could hardly believe the difference in her confidence and ability since last I’d seen her - it was great to see how much she’d lost her fear of the water and was quite happy to tackle anything thrown at her.

The ‘getting there’ bit was slightly hilarious. It had been so long since I'd been that I’d mistakenly thought the class started at 5 so I was all ready for Nikki around 4.30. At 10 to 5 and terrified she’d forgotten she was picking me up, I texted her to ask if I should walk down to the main road to save time and was relieved when she said she was stuck on the busy main road not far from my place. So a few minutes later I started walking down the road and this black car came up my street and started slowing down then stopped at the side of the road. Because it's so dark at that time of night you can’t see who’s inside any of the cars - all you see are their lights - so thinking this was her, I ran across to get in the passenger side - whereupon the car sped up and turned into my cul de sac to park in a drive a few doors down from me!

Laughing to myself I nonchalantly continued walking down the street (as though I hadn't just made a fool of myself) until I reached the main road where I crossed to wait for Nikki. About five minutes later a black car slowed down again, did a U-turn at the bottom of my road so that they were facing the other way and stopped at my side of the road right beside me. Still unable to see inside, I ran round to the passenger side and got in. I heard the driver’s door open as I did so but thought Nikki was just sorting something out with the girls. Except there were no girls. As realisation dawned, the driver’s door opened again and a voice said quite calmly “Em - I think you’ve got the wrong car.” Mortified and unable to believe it had happened AGAIN, I scrambled out full of apologies and explanations. She wasn’t the slightest bit phased and incredulously, left her car open as she carried on her way to the local community centre where she was obviously picking someone up. The community centre is down a path and round the corner so there was no way she could see the car once she was round that corner. I was gobsmacked that she didn’t bother to lock it despite the fact all manner of strange women were gaily plonking themselves in her passenger seat without so much as a by your leave!!

Thankfully the third car which stopped contained my family😊

This week's been a rough one and I didn't make it to see Lily which was heartbreaking. However I didn't think she would really miss me as her world has expanded somewhat now with starting school and going to all sorts of classes. And then Nikki told me when she was watching her on Tuesday night, she suddenly stared at someone, lifted her swimming goggles to get a better look then her face fell and she put them back in place. When Nikki looked, it was a woman with white hair she was looking at so, guessing what had happened, she checked with her afterwards and sure enough, she'd thought it was me and got all excited thinking I'd made it down to see her! 😍

I’ve been setting myself little goals, not to be done in any timeframe but just ‘the next thing to tackle’ so to speak. On Saturday I decided to have a go at getting to the local library, about 20 minutes drive away. I was quite uncomfortable when I got there but I made myself stick it out for half an hour which resulted in this:

So nice to see a big pile of books by the bedside again and have that delight of choosing which one to delve into first!

And I made it to our other nearby supermarket - Asda - a couple of weeks ago. It's a bit further away and the route crosses a very busy main road so it was a pretty scary prospect. I got there and filled the car up with petrol plus checked the tyres pressure so was pleased to get those done as there was no point in tootling around in a car which wasn't fit to take me anywhere! It seems to have fared okay despite not being used for months - there's a funny noise coming from the back somewhere and the heater seems to have stopped working but apart from that, it's getting me from A to B so I can't complain. Once I'm better I'll put it in to the garage to get checked over just to ensure everything's okay.

On Wednesday it was the turn of going to Tesco ‘the proper way’ which meant waiting at the traffic lights (always busy) both ways and parking in the normal car park. I managed that okay so pushed a little further and tackled a very busy bridge and roundabout and had the reward of some different scenery for my walk. That's always nice. Next thing will be a roundabout adjoining a dual carriageway - it's an extremely busy roundabout and one you really need to keep your wits about you to navigate so I'll leave that for a 'good' day. Getting that under my belt will make me feel a bit more confident and after that I'll aim for getting into town (about 30 minutes drive) and back.

On Monday I'm hoping to see my friend, Andrea, whom I haven't seen since June last year. I wasn't able to deal with having anyone round to the house even for a short time - the effort was just too much and there was no enjoyment in it - plus it was really difficult to explain because naturally, folk think as you're so isolated, you'd be desperate to see people. And you are but you just can't cope with them. It's so cruel. So up to now, it's just been family and my best friend Janice. Andrea was supposed to come round last Monday afternoon but I had a horrible day and wasn't fit for it so we cancelled and rearranged for this coming week instead. Fingers crossed it'll be a better day.

This week's been brutal and it's been hard to stay positive. However I know that this is perfectly normal and I just have to realise it's a long process and be patient. Easier said than done though! I'm desperate to be able to drive out to Nikki's to see the girls but I know I'm going to have to wait until I can be sure I'll make it out there, be able to stay for an hour or so then manage to drive back again. Janice stays in a small town about 10 miles further on than Nikki so we've decided if there's a day some weekend (she works full time) where she's staying in and I'm having a good day I might try driving out to see her as a sort of trial run.

Nikki still comes in after Lilah's swimming lesson on Thursday mornings (I still have to stay in bed in the mornings so can't go and watch her) so I get some time with her then but I don't see Lily apart from Tuesdays at her swimming.

I love it when kids play with stuff that's just lying around instead of all the expensive up-to-the-minute toys or electronic devices that fly around these days. When Lilah was here on Thursday she came up to my bedroom as I was still getting dressed etc when they arrived. Nikki had bought her a Kinder egg and she was absolutely delighted with the toy in it and played with it for ages. When I was at the stage of being in bed all the time the poor girls had to find things to play with in my bedroom and they used to love playing with all the little dishes or trinkets on my bookcase shelves. We found a tiny pink My Little Pony in one of them which must have been secreted away on one of those days months ago and she played 'housies' with both of them for ages quite happily!

And Willow's still hanging in there.

Looking pretty exhausted and 'throughother' these days but he's eating, drinking and going out to poo so I figure he's still got life in him yet. He gave me a scare last week when he seemed to have hurt one of his back legs and couldn't quite get up on anything properly - and getting down again was a crash-to-the-ground affair. Despite me taking his bed upstairs and laying a huge blanket on my bedroom floor by the side of my bed (because it's laminate flooring), he ignored them all and crashed off the end of it instead!! We took him to the vet's and I was able to go with Nikki this time which was great - it's been purgatory not even being able to take your own cat to the vet when he's so ill! The vet we saw couldn't find anything wrong with his leg but thought it might be a blood clot which is moving around or just his heart getting worse and causing him to be shaky on his feet. He seemed to improve in the next couple of days so I took heart but he's definitely a bit shakier overall now so she might be right.

I wish I knew how much distress he was in. Going to the vet's always causes his heartrate to soar (even when he was healthy it did that) so it's difficult for them to assess him. On our recent visit it was something like 240 when the norm is 140 or thereabouts - or was that respiration? I'm not sure. It was off the charts anyway I know that. He seems unable to settle in any one place for long - in the morning when I'm in bed he's on and off the bed every 10 minutes or so - which can't be doing him any good - although might help him not to stiffen up. I've discovered he seems to like to lie down on the floor of my wardrobe and be 'hidden' and he stays there for a while so I try and remember to partially open the door of it when I get up in the morning to feed them all.

Poor Snarf gets his nose put out of joint when Willow jumps up to lie beside me. If Snarf is there already, he unceremoniously gets shoved down to the foot of the bed as my body shifts over to make room for Willow. I keep telling him Willow's at death's door and his time will come but he doesn't believe me - perhaps because I've been telling him that for the last 4 months now!

So he looks like this for a while then spreads himself out on my feet and has a nap while he ponders life.

Last updated February 05, 2018

Sabrina-Belle February 03, 2018

I'm so glad you're starting to feel a bit better. I think the way you are managing it by setting goals it really great. You will get there, you have such a positive attitude.
Have you read Nella Last's diaries which were part of the Mass Observation Project? I have both of them, Nella Last's War and Nella Last's peace, they are really interesting.
Willow looks so peaceful in your photo. It's sad when our pets get old and ill. We have a 16 year old who is getting stiff and wobbly and also very anxious. She always was nervous but I think she may be having trouble with her sight.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ February 05, 2018

Yes I have - I read them all a few years ago - in fact literally this morning (because I'm reading another Mass Observation diary just now which mentions them) I was just thinking I might check and see if the library have them so that I can get them out again! They're really good aren't they? I felt kind of sorry for her - I wish she could have found recognition for her writing while she was alive but I'm glad she was at least recognised afterwards.

It's awful isn't it? I wish they could speak so that they can tell us how they feel! I think Willow is pretty anxious just now as well - he's following me around everywhere like a shadow😊

Deleted user February 03, 2018

So pleased to learn that you are on the road to recovery. I bet it feels good to have bits and pieces back of your life again. You suffered for far too long. Hugs.

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

It does indeed - thank you!

Deleted user February 03, 2018

You are doing well and having adventures to boot ! Hang in there! I am cheering you on from afar !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

Thanks Jinn - I'll think of you doing a cheerleading dance when I'm doing my next bout of deep breathing outside ASDA!! 😄

Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

Please do ; I wish we could go together !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

Aw me too - that would be brilliant!

Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

We could bolster each other up ! Who can imagine the adventures could have . I can provide the push and you have the smarts !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

Excuse ME - you have plenty smarts yourself young lady!!

Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018


Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

But I sure can make typos . Sheesh !

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

Very easy to do on an iPhone though (that's my excuse anyway!)😄

Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

I am exceedingly careless about reading things over for typos . I am typing on my phone almost 100 percent of the time.

Marg Deleted user ⋅ February 05, 2018

That would drive me crazy - my fingers are like sausages and keep touching the wrong thing all the time!

Deleted user Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

I have adjusted unless I go too fast : which is often.

blackpropaganda February 04, 2018

It was great to read this entry - I do hope the slow progress continues - and it was heartening to see the pile of books!!!

Marg blackpropaganda ⋅ February 05, 2018

I do too and yes it's great to have a big choice of reading matter again!

TruNorth February 04, 2018

Mind-boggling how long the recovery process is when weaning oneself off of drugs. Seems like you are making progress.

Marg TruNorth ⋅ February 05, 2018

Very slowly but progress nevertheless!

edna million February 04, 2018

I’m so glad you’re making progress, even when it probably doesn’t always feel that way! I can’t imagine how frustrating it is doing the couple of steps forward, step back, couple of steps forward thing, but you are having more forward than back at last and that’s very encouraging.

The wrong cars story is hilarious! A few years ago we bought a used Subaru, and the first time we took it into town we parked on the Main Street (AAGGHHH autocorrect has capitalized that three times; I give up!) and when we came back to the car and got in, M couldn’t get the key in the ignition and I was wondering how I’d managed to not notice the dream catcher on the dashboard when we bought the car.... then we realized, that was NOT OUR CAR!! And very quickly got out. It was the same color and age, but... not ours! And very careless of whoever left it unlocked.

Marg edna million ⋅ February 05, 2018

That's so funny - I can't believe people go around leaving their cars unlocked in this day and age!

Deve left me a message on Open Diary and I very nearly went and paid money just to reply to it! Something made me decide to see if private notes worked the same way as notes left on diaries so I gave it a go and it went through - I was so surprised so tried leaving a note on his diary as well and that went through as well! Apparently Bruce changed the rule so 'freebies' can now leave notes without paying - but we just had to find out through osmosis or something😄 Are you cross-posting or doing different entries on each now?

edna million Marg ⋅ February 05, 2018

I’m cross posting, what little I actually write. Or will be now, at least- I made a couple of entries there that I didn’t post here and by the time I realized I didn’t, it seemed a little late. And I can’t get pictures to post at a reasonable size there, but oddly just copying my page here and posting it there posts the photos normally. I love PB and am not at all convinced that OD will really last this time around, but it’s been amazing to find people from the vanished past there again!

Marg edna million ⋅ February 06, 2018

No I'm not convinced either - there appear to be many shenanigans already but connecting with folk who didn't come over to Prosebox is sorta reeling me in also - especially if I don't have to pay! Although I don't know why I'm getting free use because my month's free trial was definitely up😳 Not gonna complain about it though😄

edna million February 04, 2018

And poor Willow! I’m very glad he’s hanging in there.

Marg edna million ⋅ February 05, 2018

Me too! I keep telling him hang on - I need to be better to cope with you not being better😆

MageB February 06, 2018

This is all so wonderful to read. You are inching toward a normality...and you are loving every inch. Hugs from here.

Marg MageB ⋅ February 08, 2018

Thank you!

Fishermanswife February 07, 2018

How wonderful to read what you 've accomplished till now. Small steps I think is the only way to go forward and please try to accept those backwards steps. You will get there sooner or later.

Marg Fishermanswife ⋅ February 08, 2018

Thank you - yes - I agree!

NorthernSeeker February 09, 2018

At this very minute Fergus is in a pose very much like Willow in that photograph. I think one of Margaret Drabble's novels was about the Mass Observation Project...then again it might have been one of Sebastian Faulke's novels. I think these online diaries and blogs serve the same kind of purpose. What are people talking about, thinking about, and doing?

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 09, 2018

That's true - we're contributing to our own social history all the time - I never thought of that!

NorthernSeeker February 09, 2018

I'm glad you got to see Lily and can tell her how much she has improved in can be excited for her and with her. And the stack of library books on your beside table is impressive. We bought a bunch of books this week at the price of 3 books for $ pressure to finish them and bring them back. Can you renew your books online?

Your story with the medication and its effects on you is terrible. I feel so fortunate that nothing like that has happened to me.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 09, 2018

Yes I can which is brilliant - I can do it 3 times altogether before I have to put them back😊

NorthernSeeker February 09, 2018

Snarf definitely has that "all put out" expression in your photo of him but soon he will be top cat and able to snuggle with you as much as he wants. Fergus is 17 so he's old and he has always had trouble walking. He surprised me the other day with a Chuck Norris/Bruce Lee kind of combat roll coming out of the bedroom door after at long feather I was dangling for him.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 09, 2018

Haha - it's amazing how they can revert to kitten mode every so often! Snarf headbutted me about 6 times as I was typing out that first note to you - obviously he felt snuggles were far more important!😄

NorthernSeeker Marg ⋅ February 09, 2018

Fergus is a head butter, too. He must have bull dozer in his DNA.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 09, 2018


middle age pearl February 10, 2018

You are amazing by weaning yourself off that drug and staying positive about doing it to see if there would be improvement. The slow recovery is frustrating for you I'm sure but recovery and feeling better is so worth it. So glad your life has improve so much and I'm sure it will continue to get better and better. You are your own hero!!

Marg middle age pearl ⋅ February 11, 2018

Aw thank you - that's so lovely!

Oswego February 16, 2018

So very happy to see all the gradual progress of re-integration into normal life routines. As I read along I kept seeing so many positive developments. An especially good sign was the pile of books by the bed!

I am an inveterate book collector and have more books, alas, than I could read in five retirement lifetimes. But it’s very satisfying knowing they’re all there around me anytime I want to pick one up! The piles are so high by my bed they sway when I pick a book off the top!

Marg Oswego ⋅ February 16, 2018

Haha I'm just delighted I didn't do a 'book cull' which was in my mind before I got ill. I did get rid of a few which were overflowing but still had enough to keep me going before I made that lovely visit to the library😊

history of love February 18, 2018

Very belatedly coming to this entry (not helped by PB going down for a while there) but it's heartening to hear of your progress and I am hopeful that it continues (just in time for the nicer weather, too!)

Marg history of love ⋅ February 19, 2018

Thank you! I keep thinking that too - as I begin to come out of it the sun will be shining all ready for me! Then I remember I'm in Aberdeen ...... 😄

history of love Marg ⋅ February 19, 2018

Even in Aberdeen the sun sometimes shines!

Marg history of love ⋅ February 19, 2018

It does indeed😊

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