purposeful absent-mindedness in poetry

  • Dec. 4, 2017, 12:05 p.m.
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  • Public

the less stuff you have and
the less stuff that you owe
the less organized you have to be
the less organized you have to be
the less stuff you have to worry about
the less stuff you have to worry about
the more you can just hang out and think
which is the definition of happiness
happiness isn’t doing it’s getting done
so you can just fart around and dream
organization doesn’t set you free
organization only set free your joy
replaces it with worry and fear and strife
the less stuff you own
the less stuff that owns you and
the key to being known as a responsible person is
to have as few responsibilities as possible
minimize your obligations
then it’s easier to fulfill the few that you have
you can be both lazy and a good person
as long as you minimize your shit
live simple as you can
maximize your ability to goof off
without hurting anybody in the process
the less you have
the less you have to worry about
work and worry are not virtues on themselves
they are at best means to ends when they have to be
work is not its own reward
being done is work’s reward
get it over with and be happy again
be happy while you can be happy
be happy while you can

Domino December 04, 2017

This is wonderful and I love it very much!

Squidobarnez December 04, 2017

so awesomely done!


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