‘The Doctors fighting’ in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 07/24/2017 12:24 p.m.

  • July 24, 2017, 2 a.m.
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……….. well two Doctors are having words, all about the new Doctor, I’m not sure quite it could be about the new Doctor should ware trousers or a skirt!

Jodie Whittaker is well known here, Beth in Broadchurch and going back there was ‘St Trinian’s’ a remake of a 50’s film. The Doctors in the reborn ‘Doctor Who’ have been rather the same, I’m must say a very much good in their parts, for me the first Doctor stood up out of the group; Christopher Eccteston really took hold of the part.

Looking back the Doctors 1963 to 1986 were rather mixed, I will only mention those I liked, William Hartnell set the series running, he would stayed longer but age over took William. Patrick Trougton saved the series with his rather odd Doctor, and left the Doctor in good state, then came the great Doctor Tom Baker, for seven years Tom kept the Doctor rolling through very good stories.

After Tom it was as if the BBC wanted to finish the series, silly outfits and less money, the last Doctor in the 1900’s did give the part a left, Sylvester McCoy had two years and the series was on the shelf ……………

The American Doctor Who, lets move on.

Now back firmly in the 21st Century we have changes ahead, but first who was my Doctor Who, as things stand it’s Tom Baker with Christopher Eccteston second, if Christopher had been Doctor Who for three or four he could have been the best Doctor Who.

As for Jodie Whittaker, she is a very good actress and could that something to find that thing in the Doctor; I’m waiting for to see a female alien Doctor in the TARDIS.

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16:23 BST 24:07:2017

Last updated July 24, 2017

Marg July 24, 2017

It's very strange to think of the Doctor being female but maybe we must move with the times! The old Doctors were definitely the best. I've resisted watching it for years because I didn't want my childhood memories ruined but maybe it's time for ME to move with the times as well! 😊

jamez Marg ⋅ July 24, 2017

me moving with the time, I can't go to Church in time! I have watched the Doctor through the years, I don't the 1960's stories would do for today's kids, the sets don't wobble now. I still like the first music

Marg jamez ⋅ July 25, 2017

Haha! It's amazing to think of being terrified of the daleks when you look back at the cardboard jokes they were then!

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