A afternoon in July. in The odd entries from life …….

Revised: 07/22/2017 11:58 a.m.

  • July 22, 2017, midnight
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Not a Saturday for shopping, the heavy rain is back to day but now in late afternoon there is blue between the clouds, the towels I washed this morning are out drying now.

Last week the ladies and me were dicing with the weather, our things for sale were on tables outside; now that is brave in a July afternoon – summers like ours. I had made myself to be there in good time.

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Wendy was their on her own, she had meant to be there an hour early, I was surprised at I had left home an hour early; I’m know for being on the hour are just after. My five minuet walk to the Hall attached to the Church was with small spots of rain felt on my skin, so we wetted chatting until they other ladies arrived; there is a good number of books all was as the was a wind as well the rain.

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Quitter to the hour and every one arrived, minds were set of outside and it worked will, two small short rain came and left, the wind caught me out with a game in a big box, there were cards and note it looked rather difficult. The game had a DVD importuned to the game, as I looked for the DVD the wind came up and cards and note took to the air; with luck the DVD was missing as the other parts were on the wind!

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We were there for an hour and a half and very few stopped and looked, the Mum’s and School children managed to seep passed us, there were a lode of small toys we started giving those toys; thought being if we cant sale we could make a child’s afternoon.

Those few buyers had made our afternoon useful; I cant remember if the money goes to the Church or a charity!

I did buy myself, late in the afternoon I took out my purse [it was Dad’s and I like to use it] I had my eye on that for two weeks, and wetted most of the afternoon; I thought that is mine! Once the tables were put away and the remembers boxed up for other sales, we walked away in a light rain ……

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My perches was this, I think it was for vinegar it
still has a clean stopper, I think it well see more wild flowers than vinegar.

perche 15:38 BST 19:07:2017

56:18 BST 22:07:2017

Last updated July 22, 2017

Deleted user July 23, 2017

You never can count on the weather :-) I like that decanter !

Marg July 24, 2017

Oh that's a lovely decanter! Well spotted!

Roseyrays July 25, 2017

That's lovely. I have a sweet jar with the same look. It's full of shortbread at moment from my daughter.

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