The end of an era in Musings

  • Jan. 30, 2014, 12:01 p.m.
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Well OD is officially shutting down. I wrote in that diary for 12 years. I don't remember how I found it or what really prompted me to begin it. I didn't write it with the best consistency, but it was always there for me when I needed it. I'm emotional about it ending. I don't know if I'll get the hang of this place, but I will try.

Azzura January 30, 2014

I wasn't a writer for that long only three years but I am pretty emotional about it ending too.

Star Maiden January 30, 2014

softea January 30, 2014

Hey! Glad I managed to find you! I was on opendiary for 7 years - it is really sad to see it go. Prose box is different. But I think it was the community that made open diary so wonderful. I am glad to see that so much of that community made their way here

theocean. February 01, 2014

I'm glad you're here. I hope you and your family are doing well. I bet Leah's grown so much!

Oracle February 09, 2014

I'm glad you're here too! I've felt so without a home for the last few days. I wasn't a consistent writer in OD, but I read to check in on my community at least weekly over the last few years. I hope that Nathan and your daughter are doing well. I still remember so much of what you wrote when I first was reading in your posts. I am sad that the wedding pictures and your love story aren't there to read, but you still have so much story to write! I still am considering easy dairy if that ever comes to fruition , but we'll see.

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