I just forgot... in Musings

  • Dec. 15, 2014, 6:14 a.m.
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I literally forgot this place existed. I miss OD and I miss writing. There are a couple of you that I’m in regular correspondence with. But I miss every one else.

I am not even sure what to write or where to begin. Life is life. Goods and bads. I truly love being a mom. It is a sacrifice and Ms Leah can be a handful as any toddler can but she is at this age where she is learning new words and skills every day. She has such an infectious personality. Wherever we go she makes people smile. She’s a beautiful little girl and the world is better with her in it. At least my world is.

My little etsy business has been going pretty well. I’m shipping out the rest of my holiday orders today. I have so many big plans for 2015. I’m happy that I haven’t felt burn out like I have in the past. But regardless I’m taking a bit of time after Christmas to rest my little hands :)

Nathan still hasn’t found a new job. It has been a year. And he has been in a funk. He is still loving to me and to Leah but he won’t let anyone else in. He doesn’t even like being around my parents or his. He admitted that is because he is ashamed of the fact that he works in a furniture store in the back room and isn’t utiliizing his skills or degree. He is so smart and everyone just wants the best for him. But them bringing up the job situation every time that they see him just makes him feel like he is failing everyone. It breaks my heart to see him this way. It feels hopeless sometimes. Someone somewhere just needs to give him a chance.

On that depressing note…
Please leave me a note if you remember me from OD. There are so many people that I don’t have on my list. Or maybe no one writes. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll get back in the habit. Not sure. No promises :) happy holidays and all that jazz! Bye!

Star Maiden December 16, 2014

Have a Merry Christmas!

theocean. May 19, 2015

Are you still ever around here? <3

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