I Need Your Slimming Secrets! in Scottish Meanderings

  • May 2, 2017, 7:50 a.m.
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Poor Catriona. You will recall she's just given birth to a little boy whom they've now named Matthew. Some female members of the family got a lot of ants in their pants because she wasn't up for visitors straight away and I had to have stern words with one of them - no guesses which one!! However Catriona didn't make life any easier for herself when she texted me and said I could come over anytime because she knew I wouldn't outstay my welcome and also that I wouldn't have a hundred kids in tow! This did not go down well with my darling daughter who was desperate to hold a newborn in her arms again - and also with my other niece, Jenny, who was moving down south from just outside Aberdeen the following Wednesday and wanted to see Matthew before she left.

Catriona's main problem seemed to be breastfeeding which, for those of us who have tried it and well know, is a pretty fraught business and that, coupled with lack of sleep, can stress a new mama out big time. But it also kind of didn't make sense inviting me over when I wasn't bothered when I saw the little one who - let's face it - wasn't going anywhere anytime soon - and others were champing at the bit so I had to tactfully say (via Ian) that perhaps she should think about having Nikki & Jenny over first and I could babysit the girls so's to reduce the stress slightly then I could see him later. This created a fair amount of drama (not helped by Ian getting confused with some of the details) - and as Nikki said at one point - "Granny would be turning in her grave" but it all got sorted out in the end and nobody came to blows.

In the car discussing this one day Nikki says to me,
"I just love how she's got Ian & Margaret dancing around her doing everything for her, organising her visits and everything. Must be nice to have your very own PA."
*aghast look from the mother*
"Are you kidding me?? YOU moved IN with me 6 months BEFORE you had your first baby despite living in a perfectly good house of your own and despite me desperately trying to complete an Open University course and pleading with you to hang on one more month."
*silence from the daughter*

Families - don't you just love 'em.

I was going to insert a couple of photos of Matthew at this point but Photobucket isn't playing this morning so here's one I made earlier. He cried with everyone else but snuggled down when he got to me and slept for 20 minutes - the boy obviously knows a decent bosie when he sees one! (Bosie is Scots for cuddle or hug - cuddling into my bosie means cuddling into someone's chest).

And now I hereby record that I am about to do something about my weight which is slowly but surely spiralling out of control. I thought maybe if I splattered it all over a Prosebox entry it might pack more of a punch than if I just try and lose some of the pounds myself - which is basically what I've been trying to do for the last 2 years. I'm almost at the point of joining one of those clubs even though I know they work purely on the strength of motivation from others in the same boat and not because of any magical formula.

When I moved into this house in May 2008, I had to go in for a minor pelvic floor operation the following month which meant I would be off work for 6 weeks with no heavy activity, driving, lifting etc. for 2-3 weeks. I had managed to get myself up to 10st 4lbs (144 pounds) at that point and panicked, thinking I'd be like the side of a house by the time I went back to work because I knew being at home all day would mean the likelihood of a lot of extra snacking and far less self-control so I made a concentrated effort to reduce calories and walk every day. It worked. Over the following year I lost 2 stone and as that coincided with being single again, it was a very happy time I'm glad to say!

I kept it off for a few years but once I became ill, it was impossible not to let it creep up because I couldn't do any sort of activity to work it off or I would 'crash'. So this morning I weighed in at 10st 10.5 lbs (150.5 pounds) and as I can currently hardly breathe in the jeans I'm wearing, it's time. A gain of 6.5 lbs doesn't sound like much in 9 years but the problem with that is that it was already 2 stone too much for the small 5 ft 3 ins frame it was carrying!

Another problem is that I was getting these very distressing stress attacks which I know are not panic attacks although sound very like them. They are very common with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have something to do with inflammation in the body. One of the symptoms was large amounts of adrenaline shooting through my body which I found really uncomfortable and impossible to be distracted from. That also made me panic which just made the whole thing worse so in an effort to try things which might help this, I attempted to take better control over my blood sugar, and have been eating much more regularly which does seem to have helped. But of course that means I'm consuming an extra few hundred calories on a daily basis and I've found that I can only really get away with around 1700/ 1800 cals a day before I start to put on weight.

I was told by an Dietician once that everyone has a set point for their weight and it's just unfair that some have higher set points than others. (It didn't help that this person was slim as a rake and had just told me that she'd fancied a piece of cake with her cup of tea that morning and had just went ahead and had it with no guilt). And I must admit my sister once said wisely - "you know, all the women in our family are constantly trying to lose weight but we're all around the same weight - if we could just get used to being 10 and a half stone, we'd be a lot happier!" And I have to admit that's true but although I'm a lot more relaxed about my weight now and would settle for being around 10 stone nowadays, I have to admit life was a lot easier at 8 and a half stone.

When I was maintaining that weight, I would never eat breakfast and would have a snack of fruit, crisps and yoghurt when I got to work at 10 which may not sound too bad but I would often make that last until I got home at teatime. Which meant of course that the bulk of my calories were being eaten in the evening when I couldn't work them off although it didn't seem to make much difference to anything - I still lost weight. And although my eating habits were rubbish, I was constantly getting told I 'looked well'. Even just the basic act of moving around was much easier, not to mention fitting into clothes and knowing virtually anything would look good on me. And, sad to say, my success with the opposite sex was very much more noticeable at that weight than it had been previously.

Anyway it's all changed days now. The only exercise I can safely do is walking but I just can't find any enjoyment in it. That might sound strange and don't get me wrong - I love a good walk as much as the next person but once walking turns into something I have to do 3 times a week, then it seems to become a chore and I just can't get into it. Plus I often have to 'pay for it' afterwards and sometimes it's just not worth it. One of the main problems is feeling like the need for a treat in the evening which I think possibly stems from childhood. We always had what we called 'a cup of tea' when the news came on at 10 o'clock but, in reality, was more like 'supper' because there were all sorts of goodies accompanying the tea - often toast, scones, pancakes and always biscuits and cakes (having a baker for a Dad occasionally had its down sides!).

When I moved down to Aberdeen I lived in what is commonly known as 'digs' down here and I remember our landlady leaving flasks of tea & coffee plus tins of homebaked goodies out for us in our sitting room to have in the evenings so the habit didn't change unfortunately. And then when I got my own flat later I would sit and snack at night, not helped by the fact I was born a night owl so never went to bed until late. (When I did a children's nursing course for a year once, I remember having to get up at 5.30 when I was on a 12 hour shift and really struggling to get to bed at a decent time - I was always going around like a zombie on those shifts!).

I don't know what the answer is. The only activity I seem able to do which is completely distracting and stops me eating is online jigsaws which is kind of a weird one I know. I used to absolutely love doing jigsaws as a kid and used to have an old painting board of my brother's which I kept under my bed which always had a huge jigsaw in the making on it and which I was always doing after school instead of homework! I used to make up stories as I was doing it as I remember and one of the reasons I used to love Christmas at my aunt's hotel in Edinburgh was because she had a huge dining table and would get out the inevitable jigsaw which everyone would delve into once we'd had the big meal and all the plates were cleared away. Aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. would join in at various points and then go off and do other things and my sister & I would be the ones still sitting there in the evening desperately trying to finish it before the table was needed again the next day!

When Boyd and I joined the world of computers and bought our own in 1999, I discovered there was an online version of jigsaws and, just like e-readers, thought it would never replace the real thing. But after buying the programme one day and sitting up THE WHOLE NIGHT putting together all sorts of wonderful pictures, I realised that this was just as addictive as my board under the bed! I recently bought the app of the latest version last week in an attempt to distract me from food and eventually got to bed at 3 a.m. and even that was a struggle! What I need is a 'THAT'S ENOUGH' button which is timed to depress at, say, 11 p.m., and which immediately exits your programme or app and switches off your computer. Then puts you to bed.

SO - I need your slimming secrets, distraction activities and the like and pronto before I have to start slobbing around in an old dressing gown because nothing fits any more !

Last updated January 07, 2018

^..^Kat May 02, 2017

I use an app on my phone called Lose It! It allows me to log every bite that I put into my mouth along with my weight. Of course, you have to be honest with yourself and actually log it, but it seems to be helping me. I wear a fitness tracker as well, but since my leg issues, I've not been able to walk much. I lowered my goal there so I am at least accomplishing a little bit.
Do you have a treadmill or a stationery bike? I was thinking on the bike, you could do your jigsaw puzzles while you're riding maybe.

Marg ^..^Kat ⋅ May 04, 2017

I don't - no - but have no room for either I'm afraid - I wouldn't be able to do that kind of exercise though as I'd end up in bed next day. An App might be the way to go.

Ms Tai May 02, 2017

Water walking! (google it) I have recently discovered this after having developed arthritis in pretty much all my major joints and can no longer walk at my normal land speed.

I can't swim, but you don't need to be able to. I find that it's perfect for all my ouch, and tires me out as much or more than the treadmill does, without sweating and relieves my joint pain.

Marg Ms Tai ⋅ May 04, 2017

That sounds interesting! I'm not sure how it would fit with the CFS though - I can't really do anything to tire me out nowadays or I'll crash.

Ms Tai Marg ⋅ May 04, 2017

Go slow....do literally ten minutes if that's all you can handle and then just float/hang around. I don't have CFS but on my bad days my energy levels are on the floor....the water is soothing especially if the pool is really quiet. I'm very fortunate in that my gym is in a hotel and so almost always deserted.

NorthernSeeker May 02, 2017

As you know, I've been struggling with my weight for years. Controlling food and getting in the exercise works the best for me, but man, I haven't been able to push myself hard physically for some time. Taking Bailey the dog at home for walks up a really steep hill did a lot for my endurance. I think I'd recommend dog walking...but you do that, don't you? The joy of the dog helps keep me going and motivated sometimes. Best wishes! Let us know how you are doing.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ May 04, 2017

No not any more - Trooper died in 2014. However I didn't find walking him helped because I now know I was fighting the start of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome back then so walking him 3 times a day was a real uphill battle. Catriona has 2 spaniels and when she was still working, we did discuss walking them at one point but the problem is I can't commit to anything - if I have a bad day (which is around 50% of the week at the moment) that would mean no dog walk for them and you can't do that with dogs!

Deleted user May 02, 2017

What a lovely photo of you and Matthew! A big welcome to baby Matthew! I admire you for writing about your weight issues. I think working your jigsaw puzzles is a wonderful distraction from eating. :)

Marg Deleted user ⋅ May 04, 2017

Yes maybe I need to find a way around that - limit myself to 2 a night or something? That might work.

Deleted user Marg ⋅ May 05, 2017

Unfortunately, I'm not very good when it comes to doing jig saw puzzles. I think it takes a special aptitude to be able to do them and that aptitude is something I do not have.

Deleted user May 04, 2017

I have to keep my weight at 120 pounds or below ; 110 would be ideal as extra weight stresses out my spine . I went from 5'3 to 4'11 after the accident as my vertebrae are sooo compressed. It seems creepy to be so short now !
I avoid as many carbs as I can. I like vegetables and salads the best to eat ; also stir fry and curries. I am not into desserts much . Occasionally I like a raspberry sundae. I am not enthused about bread or baked goods much. I do drink regular soda though and that is my downfall. I can't really exercise but I am looking into something I can safely do to strengthen my core and arms . I love pickles and pickled beets .

Marg Deleted user ⋅ May 04, 2017

I can't imagine losing 4 inches just like that! Sounds like cutting down on the carbs and sugar is the way to go - I've been trying to have a Solero (ice lolly with ice cream inside) at night or a low-fat dessert or something and that seems to help but I find it only lasts for a short while then I'm back to bad habits again :( Need to pull up my socks and do something though.

MageB May 05, 2017

Less to no carbs for two meals.
Beautiful photograph.

Marg MageB ⋅ May 06, 2017

Less carbs seems to be the way to go and thank you!

edna million June 14, 2017

My weight is always going up and down (never down as far as I'd like, but at least a little down), and right before we went to England I was actually at the lowest I've been in years- about 151 in pounds. The lowest I've gotten as an adult is 145, which is actually a good weight for me since I am pretty tall. I've cut way down on sugar, and tried to avoid white flour because it seems like in recent years it's started upsetting my stomach. Whole wheat doesn't cause problems for me, but that could be because I don't tend to overdo it with whole wheat - I can eat a little and be fine, whereas things made of white flour seem very addictive to me and I have a hard time stopping. Especially when sugar is involved. The good thing has been that once I cut way back, it didn't take long at all to stop craving it and to be satisfied with very small amounts of sugar/white carbs. I've used My Fitness Pal to count calories and really like it, although I find counting calories tends to backfire on me - I cut them back too far, then if I go over at all I want to give up and eat everything I can get my hands on. Kim has recently lost 40 pounds by doing Weight Watchers, which seems like a very doable program. She'd gained a lot in the past few years mostly due to being miserable at her job and having to work nights, but is doing really well on WW.

Marg edna million ⋅ June 16, 2017

I know I've been really impressed in the difference in Kim - I remember seeing her on Facebook one day and thinking wow where did she go lol??! You're lucky being tall - you can get away with a bit extra - I'm so short - 5 ft 3 ins - and anything extra just shows up on every bit of me!

edna million June 14, 2017

I remember you talking about the online jigsaws! I did them for a bit - I think it was so long ago I didn't have a smartphone and just did them online, but I didn't pay for the upgrade and lost interest. I think I'll look into that again. Currently I'm addicted to Sudoku and Mahjong.

Marg edna million ⋅ June 16, 2017

I've wondered about trying Sudoku - I hear so many things about it and how addictive it is but it seemed to be so complicated from all accounts so that put me off. I should try it though.

edna million Marg ⋅ June 16, 2017

Oh, you should definitely give Sudoku a try- it's not really complicated, and has nothing to do with math - that's what kept me away from it at first. You're just arranging numbers- it could be nine of anything - and it's not as complicated as it looks, especially when you start with easy ones. I find it really relaxing and do them at night to fall asleep!

I have to say, now you've got me hooked on jigsaws and I've been obsessively doing the app ones! Can.not.stop.

Marg edna million ⋅ June 16, 2017

Haha I do apologise😄 I've got Lily hooked on them too would you believe - she's a whizz at 50 piece ones already and never needs any help and of course she loves doing ones of photos on my phone of her and Lilah😊

edna million June 14, 2017

OH and meant to add in that first note that my weight is creeping back up post trip, thanks mostly to way too much beer in the evenings! That's how I'm trying to comfort myself during post-trip blues. And someone else mentioned Geneen Roth - I LOVE her and have followed her for years. Totally recommend reading her books if you haven't .

Marg edna million ⋅ June 16, 2017

Oh I've never heard of her - will have to look her up - thank you!

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