Grinch Mode in Site Updates

  • Dec. 24, 2013, 12:37 p.m.
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  • Public

(in case you are curious: no, I wouldn't normally be working on the site on Christmas Eve - but I'm stuck in the office for a few hours due to lack of vacation time, and there's really not much for me to do at the moment)

I understand that there are people who don't like their backgrounds messed with. And since I've been planning on adding it anyway when future customization options become available, you now have an option under Settings to uncheck the "Show customized backgrounds to me". So if you would like Santa and the snowman to go away, you now have that option.

Seasons greetings!

Deleted user December 24, 2013

Thanks from all of us whose hearts are three sizes too small.

Deleted user December 24, 2013

Oh, and thanks for the tweak you made in "Leave a comment"---greying out the box and spinning a busy circle makes a big difference. "OK, gotcha, I'm posting your comment, don't hammer the Leave Comment button again because I'm doing that already."

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ December 24, 2013

Glad you noticed that little detail. :)

One Angry Dwarf simple mind ⋅ December 24, 2013

I still choose to rage-click the button and then rage that it commented twice and then rage that nothing ever goes the way I want, but that's more of a design flaw in my genetic makeup than the site.

simple mind One Angry Dwarf ⋅ December 24, 2013

Friends don't let friends rage-click. Maybe we need an intervention feature. ;)

Bound and Tied December 24, 2013

Wishing you a love filled Christmas. Thank you for all you've done here. It feels like home!

simple mind Bound and Tied ⋅ December 24, 2013

Thanks, and a Merry Christmas to you as well!

Silverstar46 December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

simple mind Silverstar46 ⋅ December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Leanne 🌈 December 24, 2013

As Always Thanks.

Cat Mommy December 24, 2013

You know, it's funny, when I first got here all I could think about was how it didn't look like "mine". The longer I'm here the less appealing OD's customization seems especially once you introduced the dark theme (easier on my eyes). It will be nice to choose backgrounds and such but I'm not even sure if I'll use it at this point! Thank you for this site and all your hard work.

Happy Holidays! Now go relax with some egg nog!

Cat Mommy December 24, 2013

I have a question too (doesn't need an answer right away though!). You have the books set up to appear in alphabetical order but for the numbers they count "down" meaning older years are on the top of the list while new ones are under them. Any way to reverse that so newer years appear at the top of the list?

Example of now:

2013 2014 2015

Example reversed:

2015 2014 2013

I didn't want to put it in suggestions since it's not really a "feature" but would make for easier navigation on a person's main box page. Thanks! :)

Teflon Superhero December 24, 2013

Merry Chrismakwanzika!!

Life Is For Living December 24, 2013

Well bah humbug to those people!

Merry Christmas to you & yours -- & as always, thank you for all that you do!

Deleted user December 24, 2013

Gah! I am so unaware!! Happy Festivus!

Flame is Love December 24, 2013

Merry Thingy from someone else stuck at work.

Soul Karma December 24, 2013

I'm sorry... but I'm shocked that you received complaints of this actually being a "problem." LOL!

Merry Christmas!

woman in the moon December 24, 2013

It's all good. Plain and fancy. Have a good set of holidays. Thanks for being here for us.

Loki December 24, 2013

  • NUUU! I like the Santa and the snowman! It is adorable!! But then again, I am a huge excitable kid when it comes to Christmas! I am a few meters away from the Christmas tree with all the 2394929493 presents underneath it and IT. IS. SO. DAMN. TEMPTING. AHHH. Well, I hope you a VERY Happy Christmas and make sure to pig out on as much glorious foods, puddings and chocolates as is humanly possible! ♥
edna million December 24, 2013

The festive background made me go "OOOoOOOO!!!" Hope you have an equally festive holiday, and are out of the office by now!

LeftisRight December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays!

The Tranquil Loon December 25, 2013

What festive background?

BSC12MD December 25, 2013

Is not variety the spice of life. I for one enjoy the different backgrounds on your website, I believe it shows somewhat the variety of personalities that are out there through personal design. However I do appreciate the effort it takes for you to design a website that gives us the choice of both.

banker chick December 25, 2013

I must've missed the festiveness but whatever it is/was, it sounds too awesome for people to be complaining. Someone needs a Christmas intervention.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm December 25, 2013

are you telling me there are those who don't care about santa and the snowman? i love christmas and i love your decorations. thank you! for being so interested and caring about this site. take care,

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