Landing page, getting in touch with the season in Site Updates

  • Dec. 24, 2013, 12:12 a.m.
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Some of the common criticism I hear from Prosebox detractors is, "Oh, it's too drab. It's too white. It's too clinical." Muahahaha, welcome to my anti-bacterial laboratory!!

Well, I decided it would be fun to give the landing page a major makeover, and get into the winter spirit. So it's still white... in a way. But to see the main landing page, you have to be logged off the site. And for best results, a display of 768px wide or greater is recommended.

All right kids... if I don't catch you again, have a very merry Christmas, and a happy holiday season!

UPDATE: Decided to make the main page festive as well. :)

Nash December 24, 2013

The most Merry of Xmas to you too.

You mean Cougarlife, and the promise that "she is just as hot as you remember?"

I mean, I fully respect your need to make a living and I think for the most part you have done a great job here. Having said that, it is time that I have the option to avoid Cougarlife and her environs if I wish to. I think I should have the option of informing my readers if they are on my Friends list too, as earlier discussed.

Deleted user December 24, 2013

I saw frosty...very nice an festive.

Katren...In Conclusion December 24, 2013

You run a great site, but, the ads are bad enough. Don't need any more cra... uh, stuff on here. I loved that mean, clean, lean look the place had when I came here. Please don't busy it all up... pretty please

simple mind Katren...In Conclusion ⋅ December 24, 2013

It's temporary. When future customization is available I'll provide the option to "opt out".

Deleted user December 24, 2013

Beautiful! But when are we going to be able to customize our own profile backgrounds???

NeonLady December 24, 2013

Love it! People always have something to whine about! :(

Deleted user December 24, 2013

I myself preferred the cleaner blank approach. Google has a nice middle ground, just a little topical graphic.

Deleted user December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas.

Deleted user December 24, 2013

I prefer the white one. Nothing fancy and the focus is on the words.

I do understand the desire of other members to add some color to their books.

Mermy Cullen December 24, 2013

When can we do the same thing to our page?

Naiad December 25, 2013

Ooh, I love it! That honestly is the biggest thing I miss about OD- getting a flavor for the person I was reading by how they designed their diary.

Loki December 25, 2013

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