More answers. in Book of Lies.....

  • Jan. 6, 2016, 12:08 p.m.
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To repeat…
Favorite book: The Stand- Stephen King
Least Favorite: The Ruins - Lee Child
Children: thankfully none of my blood line although when you consider what I do for a career I have been with children all of my adult life. This is probably karma at it’s best as considering some of my past behaviors and looking at my own parents and their choices it is wise to end it here.
Foods: I adore chocolate. Chocolate vomit would probably taste good to me. Truly manna from heaven.
Lima beans. There is nothing you can do to them to make them anything but disgusting.
Regarding photography. No I am not some photographic master. I do like putting together electronic collages to some of my writing so if that is some sort of a talent I thank you for thinking so.
And one factoid that I offer at no additional charge. I believe I would be content to live in a situation like the keys, or Bahamas. I have served my sentence here up north. I have vacationed uncountable times south and never miss a bit of northern life. I also felt the same for Hawaii. I even enjoyed Honolulu as busy at is was. The cross section of humanity was delightful.
Sex: Overated in it’s importance in relationships. Just because someone showed you their woohoo or dinglebanger doesn’t mean that somehow they have gained some greater importance in life. Sex is a lot like chocolate. Just because you enjoyed some doesn’t mean there is some concern if you don’t get a text from that Hershey’s bar you were chewing on.

Park Row Fallout January 06, 2016

Because I'm "that kind of asshole" I'm going to challenge you. Chocolate Vomit... but "nothing can be done to Lima Beans?" FACE OFF! Chocolate Lima Beans. Which wins out?

invisible ink Park Row Fallout ⋅ January 06, 2016

Chocolate lima beans for the win. ....but I'll pass on the taste test...

Notdeadyet January 06, 2016

Your pictures are just your version of porn. ;p

middle age pearl January 06, 2016

I agree on the lima beans. Can NOT imagine how anyone can eat them, much less desire to eat them. Not even with chocolate!

invisible ink middle age pearl ⋅ January 06, 2016

You are wise my friend... a person of good taste.

Leanne 🌈 January 06, 2016

The Keys we love going there so laid back and relaxing.

dickson. January 07, 2016

Chocolate vomit would probably taste good to me.


WhatDreamsMayCome January 07, 2016

It's hard not to love Hawaii.
We actually gave thought to going to Key West to get married.
Diana was happy to dam the gene pool too.
Sex is more like a drug. I enjoy your take on it.
(But I always enjoyed drugs too!) ;-)

WhatDreamsMayCome January 07, 2016

So, are you saying none of the photos are of you?

colojojo January 09, 2016

Sex thing...okay. I get that. But then there's also like...if you had godiva chocolate or lindor or some magical chocolate, but then you go and have that super cheap Easter fake chocolate that doesn't taste like chocolate.. I mean, as long as everything else is there, I suppose you can get by with Easter fake chocolate, but EVERYTHING else should be there ;) :P

did another person just find out you're not a girl? :)

Wayfaring_Stranger January 20, 2016

I love the descriptors, woohoo, dinglebanger, lol
You women and chocolate.....smh lol

Shoingyboingy January 28, 2016

hello invisible this is my new account

invisible ink Shoingyboingy ⋅ January 29, 2016

Thanks for letting me know. Gotta keep up with the shenanigans....

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