Me in Torridaussity Two

  • Jan. 5, 2015, 10:09 p.m.
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  • Public

Life has me on an emotional roller coaster lately. One minute happy and with good self esteem and then the next down in the dumps and grouchy. I am doing my best each day to focus on the positive. So even though I don’t always feel pretty I am trying to make sure I tell myself positive things. Here is a pic where I think I look pretty. My selfie after the crappy date lol.

Deleted user January 06, 2015

You definitely look pretty. Do you think the emotional stuff is because of the date not going well? Dating is tough and even when we go in with zero expectations, I think it's still a bit of a hit when yet another guy turns out to be a dud. Sending hugs your way.

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 06, 2015

it could have I am sure that is part of it

Deleted user January 06, 2015

Pretty Pretty!!!

Always Laughing Deleted user ⋅ January 06, 2015

thank you thank you

WomanOfSteele January 06, 2015

You are lovely!!

Always Laughing WomanOfSteele ⋅ January 06, 2015

thanks dear :-)

Azzura January 06, 2015

I can relate to the ups and downs no fun :(

Always Laughing Azzura ⋅ January 06, 2015

Yeah never are, hoping for more ups than downs for both of us this year

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