Getting Stuff Done...And Then Not in These Foolish Things

  • Sept. 19, 2023, 2:25 p.m.
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Two steps forward…one step back. At least I’m making some progress, I guess?

This morning I had a coffee meeting with a woman who works at one of my target local companies that I’d LOVE to work for. They don’t have anything open, but I was grateful that someone in the industry would take some time out of their busy day to meet with me about a potential opportunity someday. Doesn’t help me in the NOW, but at least I’m getting out there and doing things.

And did I tell you, my consulting presentation went really, really well? I had some recommendations for the company that impressed the founders and they are going to work on the new ideas and see if they can fit them into the launch of their product! If they can’t get them in for the first launch, they are looking at a potential 2.0 version that they are even talking about getting patented!

And I got paid for it! So, I am now an official Consultant (again, not something I really want to be, but will work for the meantime, I guess…).

After my coffee meeting this morning, I had to make an emergency visit to the dermatologist. Do you remember I told you about a weird lump/bump/sore/cyst that popped up on my shoulder? I’d sent a photo of it to my primary doc and he thought it looked like an epidermoid cyst that was infected. Well, it wasn’t. And I knew it even before he’d prescribed the antibiotic, but I thought I could use wishful thinking to make it go away.

Alas, the antibiotic made me throw up - mere minutes before I had to give the consulting presentation, so I stopped taking them on Friday and over the weekend.

And the sore just kept getting bigger, crustier and gnarlier. It was growing so quickly that I was frightened and started begging my doc for a referral to a dermatologist in my neck of the woods. Thank goodness, there was a cancellation in this guy’s schedule, so I was able to get in this morning!

He took a look at the thing and said he’d need to do a biopsy. He was trying to remain positive that it’s hopefully nothing, but he also said that it’s pretty suspicious, so… hm.

At least he cut the thing off for a biopsy. I no longer have a big, warty-looking hump on my shoulder!

We shall see.

My phone rang during the doctor visit and when I got home and checked my voicemail, I realized that I’d missed an HR interview! Seems I’d gotten the times mixed up between time zones and I was SO MAD that I’d done that. I actually made sure that I wasn’t screwing up my times because my morning was so busy with appointments, but no. I missed the call.

I went back to the calendar website and it actually let me schedule some more time with the recruiter, so we’ll see how that goes…they may or may not want to talk with me considering the mix-up on my part.

It’s not one of my target companies, but it could be an interesting opportunity. I do hope I can make up for it.

And the interesting thing is, I’ve connected with someone from this company on LinkedIn and she and I have a phone call scheduled in 30 minutes so hopefully I can ask her some questions about the company and see if I can get some inside scoop!

Maybe this mix-up will pay out?

Okay, I’ve got some other things on my plate to take care of before this phone call. Just wanted to get on here and tell you that I feel like progress is being made. I’ve felt some really low, lows lately but today I feel like I’m starting to crawl out of this hole. I’m slipping and sliding the whole way, but I’m surely digging my way out.


bobbi01 September 19, 2023

Smart thinking to get it taken off quickly. Employment searching is way more exhausting than having an actual job. Hang in there!

Lux Lunae September 19, 2023

So glad you got in to a derm on a cancelation, I hope you get the results soon.
That sucks that you got your times mixed up. I really hope that company gives you another shot.
Hope the call goes well! Super exciting your recommendations were well received!

plushcreep September 19, 2023 (edited September 19, 2023)


I was once a few minutes late for a panel interview because Mapquest sent me the wrong way (this shows you how long ago it was!), and that was the worst experience of my life. First, they made me wait an extra hour while they interviewed the person scheduled after me. Then, they all glowered at me throughout the whole thing. I should have just cut my losses then and left. My bad!

But also, sheesh. Cut a guy a little slack...

Complicated Disaster September 20, 2023

Great work on the presentation! It'll be great to get some more consulting work to keep you occupied while you look for something permanent! xx

Jinn September 20, 2023

You deserve a break . Hoping the lump is nothing important .
Sending good thoughts, prayers and all positives .

WhatDreamsMayCome September 20, 2023

May your progress progress!

Deleted user September 21, 2023

Forward motion is a good thing.

colder September 22, 2023

Sometimes you're like a tennis player who's playing 3 other players at once, and yet you always seem to be getting the ball back over the net. I wish I could get as much done as you do!

Hang in there on the job stuff, it'll pan out for you. We all know that!

Serin December 31, 2023

Ahh! Frustrating about the missed call. I'm glad though that it happened while you were looking after yourself; that's the long term winning strategy. Good luck reconnecting, and may your sore be as boring as possible.

Serin December 31, 2023

Oh, and congrats on the successful consult. It may not be something you want, but it can be a fun and lucrative side hustle sometimes.

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