In Like a Lion, Out Like A Lamb in Scottish Meanderings

  • March 27, 2021, 1:25 p.m.
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I’m getting a haircut in a month’s time! Never did I think I would be starting a diary entry with that as the excitement of the month :) Although the question really is whether I'm going to last another four weeks without pulling the whole lot out because it's driving me absolutely potty. First world problems.

The wee man had his second birthday on the 5th. Nikki did one of her videos.

He’s a right little character. Speech is still a problem so there’s frustration when he can’t express himself or make himself understood but his vocabulary has expanded a lot this month I’ve noticed so I’m hoping it’ll all sort itself out eventually. He goes to a childminder for part of Wednesday and all of Thursday and she’s really patient with him - she has a little girl of her own and they both get on like a house on fire so that’s probably helped a lot.

He gives this massively excited squeal every time he sees me which does my heart no end of good - I gave him pride of place in my calendar (in my bedroom) for this month so I get to see his cute wee face every morning when I wake up :)

Love my little Roo Bear❤️

I got my first jab (AstraZeneca) on Thursday evening last week and had a bad reaction almost immediately. It was actually a bit embarrassing because it wasn't the usual allergic reaction they look for - it was a racing heart which became slightly alarming and showed no signs of abating after 15 minutes plus a very marked shakiness which meant I didn't feel comfortable walking the long way to the car (the vaccinations were being held in a large new exhibition centre and it was quite a walk from the car park to the actual arena) without mentioning it to someone.

I was taken over to what they called the Wobble Room which was just a cubicle with a bit of extra room and a bed to lie down on. The name I suppose is cute but I actually found it a bit patronising- if someone was having an actual allergic reaction (which can be frightening) I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want it called a 'wobble'. Anyway I got my blood pressure, temperature and heart rate taken and everything was a bit high but apparently not to a worrying extent so I toddled off home. I'd cleared the following two days just in case but realised I'd forgotten to get orange juice with the shopping - every time I have a temperature I absolutely crave Tesco's fresh orange juice so I managed to pop in on the way home and get some.

Sooooooooo glad I did. The chills/burning up started that night and carried on for the next two days along with the fatigue. That orange juice was like nectar I can tell you! I felt really rubbish on Friday and Saturday but better on Sunday so went out to Pitmedden but in hindsight I should have probably given that a miss because I was pretty beaten up when I got home.

Do you know the worst part though? The very worst part was when I started to get over it, I felt really really well. The kind of well I hadn't felt for literally months. And although I tried desperately hard for my mind not to go there, I couldn't help wondering if it had reset something or provided something which was missing for the last 5 years and I would miraculously become okay again. The thought of that was just overwhelming but oh God I would have given anything for it to be true.

And then by Tuesday I was back to the shit show :(

Oh well. The reaction kinda makes perfect sense to me though. If you have a body which struggles with the very basics of life and you stick something in it which makes it fight something big off, it's gonna struggle a lot more isn't it? So it wasn't too much of a surprise.

Speaking of which I’m very intrigued by long tail Covid. I was listening to a talk about it yesterday and they’re realising there are many more people affected by it than first thought and of course as time goes on, that number is very likely to increase. The reason I’m intrigued is because most, if not all, of the symptoms appear to resemble chronic fatigue (in fact many people think they now have chronic fatigue as a result of Covid) so I’m interested to see how this plays out - and whether this invisible illness is going to be treated any better because there are larger numbers (and more influential people) suffering from it. I'll be a bit pissed off if it is but at the same time it would certainly be nice to see it more recognised than it is now.

With the increase of so much Zoom, Teams, Messenger video, House Party etc. participation in the last year, my Internet connection just wasn't cutting it. I had major problems with audio being out of sync, freezing and other glitches and I knew that having the computer up in the bedroom so far away from the router probably wasn't helping plus my broadband package was really rubbish. So I upgraded to fibre broadband, lugged the pc downstairs, bought a wee stand for the monitor which meant the Mac Mini could sit underneath it and set it all up in the sitting room. I wasn't sure I would like it at first but it's kind of grown on me now.

But just that one act seemed to set a chain of decluttering events in motion!

Suddenly there was a big space on the desk in my bedroom so I had to turn the desk into more of a dressing table and put my earrings and jewellery box on it which, in turn, created a space on top of the bookcase so stuff got moved up to there which created ..... you get the gist. And then it became a pain not having the printer beside the computer so I tried taking it down to the sitting room as well but that created a space on top of a chest of drawers so I reorganised stuff to put on there but then I needed paper, labels, envelopes etc to be in the same place as the printer so that required another whole chest of drawers to come downstairs too - which created a hole in the spare bedroom so stuff was reorganised in there which meant things were in the wrong place suddenly so I had to clear drawers out and shift things into different places to be more practical - and so it went on like a giant snowball!

However I think it's helped to start the badly needed decluttering process in a tiny way. I need to make this house work for me in a better way than it is just now. And one thing I'm definitely looking forward to doing is clearing space in the spare room wardrobe which has hosted a pile of clothes I've been hanging onto to 'sell one day'. I've decided that I'm just going to put the whole lot to charity shops instead because that 'one day' is just never materialising. We get charity bags through the door every now and then which we can put out in the street on a particular morning and they're collected so I'm eagerly awaiting the next one coming because it's going to be stuffed to the brim :)

I finally started counselling in November last year and am about to start with my third client on Tuesday. The jury's out as to whether or not the telephone counselling works well or not just yet. For me there's a lot of the story missing - facial expressions, eye contact, body language, meaningful silences etc. - I feel that gets in the way of the process and hinders it somewhat - but I have to admit it's a great way for me to get back into the fray once more without the energy needed to drive to the Agency and stay there for the duration of a face to face meeting then drive back home again.

The calls are shorter duration than face to face - 30-40 minutes speaking time rather than 50 minutes for face to face - as telephone counselling is supposed to be more draining overall. I would certainly agree with that. We have the opportunity to do Zoom training and do Zoom calls instead now but I'm still having problems with glitchy or out of sync audio and freezing sometimes when we do the family video call on a Tuesday and I don't know if it's my computer or because we're using Messenger. I use Zoom for Italian but I can't say it's totally glitch-free either although it's a lot better. I just can't risk that happening in the middle of a counselling session though - sometimes timing can be so significant and you only need a freeze or delayed audio to happen at a crucial moment and it could potentially ruin the whole session.

And just for a bit of fun, I'll finish with some doctored photos which Nikki did using an app and which had us all in fits. Not even the cats escaped - but the best two I thought were Lilah and I - Lilah has just the right expressive face for it and my one cracks me up because it looks like the settee is joining in! (Which of course it totally would because that settee has personality :)

March certainly did come in like a lion - in Aberdeen anyway - but we're definitely seeing more springlike days now although I'm still wearing my heavy jacket when out walking. But my scarf is off, my gloves are off, and the crocuses and daffies are sprouting everywhere bringing very welcome colour to the world we've been living in - so I think it's definitely going out like a lamb - a lamb gambolling joyously in the fields at the thought of restrictions lifting soon, safety resuming and normal life returning :)

Last updated March 28, 2021

thesunnyabyss March 27, 2021

the first video is so sweet, and the other two are sooo funny, lol,

your weather sounds about on par with ours here, today we had snow, rain and now some sort of sun,

that reaction sounds awful, I'm glad you are feeling better now,

take care and be well!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ March 28, 2021

I love how we can both get all seasons in a day sometimes! :)

thesunnyabyss Marg ⋅ March 28, 2021

we are going to have another run of all the weather today lol,

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ March 28, 2021

Oh joy!

noko March 27, 2021

I have been so happy for the folks with Long Covid who are getting remission with the vaccine. I absolutely believe there is a connection. I had a reaction to my first shot, not as intense but discomfort and will be so very glad after the second is over and done. Hope the technology behaves and you get more comfortable with the therapy sessions, on the phone or on video. Maybe I should move something to create a chain reaction of decluttering. :) How can Rurai be 2? He was just born, no I guess not. I hear you on the haircut! Glad you have yours scheduled.

Marg noko ⋅ March 28, 2021

I hadn’t realised this was happening - the whole remission thing. Will need to read more on this!

noko Marg ⋅ March 28, 2021

Yep. They are saying 30 to 40% of Long Covid sufferers are getting relief of symptoms after one or two shots. They don't know why. And because this is all new, how long remission will last but it is so hopeful. Hard though on those who don't get the benefit.

Marg noko ⋅ March 29, 2021

Oh wow that's so interesting - I'll be following this for sure!

ConnieK March 27, 2021

I'm told a strong reaction is a good sign that your body is responding well to the vaccine and developing antibodies. Your video was funny!

JustSurviveSomehow March 27, 2021

"Driving me potty." That is a new expression for me. I feel like I always find one or two in your entries and I love it. He is absolutely adorable and the first thing I thought of after seeing that video, from what I can only imagine that I remember from a picture you must've previously posted, he looks very much like his father, no? I'm sorry you had such an adverse reaction, but I suppose you are correct. It would make sense with your system being compromised the way that it is. I hope you have better luck with the second.

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ March 28, 2021

Lol - would your equivalent be ‘driving me crazy’? I’m not sure I’ve ever posted a pic of Ruari’s Dad as he’s never really been in the picture at all - maybe I did in the couple of months him and Nikki were going out together?

JustSurviveSomehow Marg ⋅ March 28, 2021

Yes that would definitely be my equivalent lol. Now I had to go back and look to make sure you had and that I wasn't crazy and yes you did! I never forget a face.

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ March 29, 2021

Oh I'm sorry! And you're right - they do look like each other right enough!

edna million March 27, 2021 (edited March 27, 2021)


The videos are a literal lol! And Ruari is ADORABLE. I can't believe he's 2-

Sorry about the reaction to the shot - I know a lot of people who have felt awful for a few days afterwards. Mark and I got ours nearly three weeks ago and got the Johnson & Johnson, which was just one shot instead of two, happily. Neither of us had anything worse than a sore arm, so very grateful for that. I hope your second one will be a breeze!

I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to a haircut!! My hair hasn't been this long in ..... a LOT of years, and it is not flattering. We've got two people we go to (one semi-retired and leaves town every winter), and neither were really following the covid precautions very well at all, so we've been holding out for safer times. Now I think it would be fine - we're vaccinated!!!! - but M is still nervous about it. We look like two aging hippies, which is pretty hilarious at least.

Marg edna million ⋅ March 28, 2021

Haha I hope you stuck a daisy or sunflower or something in it and went total flower power! :)

Just Annie March 28, 2021

I'm sorry you had such a reaction to the shot, but I'm glad you got it!

And those videos were such fun to watch! Thanks for sharing them.

Marg Just Annie ⋅ March 28, 2021

My pleasure :)

Kristi1971 March 28, 2021

What an adorable sweet boy. I'm sure his Wednesday and Thursday attentions certainly do him loads of good. :)

And what a cozy corner you have! I love it!

Serin March 28, 2021

The settee's just dancing backup! :)

Glad the tele-counselling is working out. You're right about how much is lost without the body language, but you can still learn a lot about a person in just conversation.

Marg Serin ⋅ March 29, 2021

That's true!

NorthernSeeker March 29, 2021

Your Roo Bear just exudes personality. He is the same age as my granddaughter...I bet they would play well together. Calling something "the wobbly room" is patronizing but it might be more reassuring to some people than a more serious name. You had such a bad time after the vaccine was given to you. It would be great if technology developed for covid could be used for chronic fatigue syndrome. The computer is so important to modern life it has to get a pretty high priority in terms of space. It is worth reorganizing if the computer functions better. Great videos of you and Lilah! Nicky certainly has her fun side.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ March 30, 2021

I bet they would too! :)

history of love April 02, 2021

Love the videos and cannot believe little R is 2 already! where has this time gone!??
I'm glad you've got your jab, shame about the hope and after effects. I do hope you are correct though and that in the long term it helps erase the stigma of chronic fatigue and similar and that's it's not all "in your head/you're lazy" comments that people get. I bet sometimes you wish you could break out in polka dots or something just to have something physical to point at.

Marg history of love ⋅ April 03, 2021

OMG God YES and also how cool would that be! But yeah it gets a bit wearing when you constantly hear ‘you’re looking so well these days’ when inside you feel like shit and are hanging on by a thread! :)

Deleted user April 15, 2021

Hi Marg, the last I was in contact with you you were really suffering with fatigue. I am so happy to know that you are doing much, much better. I bet it feels like you've been given life again.

Marg Deleted user ⋅ April 15, 2021

Kerry! How lovely to hear from you! I do still have chronic fatigue I’m afraid but I got around 40-50% of my life back so it’s better than nothing for sure :)

Deleted user Marg ⋅ April 16, 2021

Having some of your life back must feel so good. I remember how terribly ill you were. Chronic fatigue will always be with you I am sure but life is sure much better than it was isn't it.

Sabrina-Belle April 17, 2021

I had made the connection between long Covid and chronic fatigue, flu often triggers chronic fatigue, doesn't it? Sorry you had such a bad reaction to the jab, I was lucky, just mild flu like symptoms for a few hours after the first and nothing after the second.
Ruari is gorgeous!
Love the videos.

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ April 18, 2021

Yes any type of virus seems to be a potential trigger for it along with trauma, stress etc. Interestingly in the CFS Facebook group I’m in, someone asked recently if people knew what had triggered their CFS and there were lots of COVID replies in there!

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