Shame on Humanity in Current Events

  • April 10, 2021, 2:01 p.m.
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There is a reason why kids cannot smoke, drink, drive, have sex, vote or die for their countries and that is because they lack the capacity to understand those decisions and that understanding should be applied to these covid-19 vaccines, if not all vaccines.

This covid-19 vaccine is an experimental medical protocol authorized under the Emergency Authorization Use Act and I cannot believe that there are actual conversations and discussions about wether or not this gene therapy is safe for children. We have actual people discussing and considering giving children these vaccines. I cannot believe this is actually happening. These are the same medical protocol vaccines that has killed every single ferret in the previous animal study until that study was abandoned. This time around we are the animal study.

The last time we launched experimental medical protocols on vulnerable populations was under the direction of an MD named Josef Mengele who also known as the angel of death. In 1943 he was assigned to Auschwitz where he saw an opportunity to conduct gene research that was focused primarily on children. Do you know what else is considered gene research? A covid-19 vaccine with a trans gene inside of it. Experiments like these on children ended in 1946 when we put those who conducted these experiments on trial in Nuremberg and put them to death. Then we adopted the Nuremberg code to ensure that this would never happen again but here we are in 2021 actually considering if this is the right thing to do to children. I am so ashamed of every single feckless human that is actually considering it. The mythical covid-19 virus itself is already perfectly safe for children. It has a 99.99% survival rate. What was the survival rate of the vaccine for those ferrets again? We have a responsibility to be intelligent and if an adult wants to line up for an experimental medical protocol then have fun but children do not have the capacity to understand that decision and should be left the fuck alone. The damage is irreversible.

For the record, when the time came for the mRNA to perform the ferrets died from antibody dependence enhancement. This is going to be an absolute disaster come September/October. These people are going to need a lot of vitamin D and C but don’t worry, the angel of death Bill Gates is going to dim the sun and grow our food. I’m sure we will be fine. Bill Gates is actually teaming up with George Soros to protect people from disinformation. George Soros, a man who actually gassed people in chambers that his government said were safe and effective showers. I cannot believe that people are still falling for this propaganda campaign.

Seasons April 10, 2021

100% agree!

.bleu. April 10, 2021

I thought you'd find this interesting...

crystal butterfly April 10, 2021


Jodie April 10, 2021

I have a question for you?
Do you think the same for all the vaccines we got when we were babies and later in life like the tetanus and the other ones?,Maurice%20Hilleman%20in%201971.

Emilyyyy April 10, 2021

Don’t listen to propaganda! There’s so much cray-cray propaganda out there. As a doctor, I can 100% assure you that no, this isn’t gene therapy and no, this is not a dangerous experiment. It’s just a vaccine. Mass-vaccination is the only way we’re going to beat this and get back to normalcy.

You’re right - it’s important to have an understanding of facts before one can make a good, thoughtful choice about anything. But, do you really have a solid understanding of any of this? Do you comprehend the underlying science behind the vaccine, do you really understand how vaccines work, and what the vaccine will do to your body? Or are you just listening to whatever you hear on TV/social media and repeating media rumors without really understanding any of this?

This is the reason why a minimal baseline level of scientific and medical knowledge is so important, folks. If everyone had a clue, we wouldn’t be seeing anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers, nor would we be seeing anyone saying “it’s all man made/a hoax/ not a big deal.” We’d be seeing people wearing their masks and getting vaxxed for the sake of getting this pandemic over with.

These beliefs about vaccines being dangerous, mask-wearing being a civil rights violation, the pandemic being a man made hoax are all beliefs that stem from medical and scientific ignorance. It stems from clueless people mindlessly accepting and repeating media hearsay.

Don’t mindlessly believe what the media tells you!

Instead, read books. Work to develop YOUR OWN understanding of medicine, biology, immunology. You should have a basic understanding of how your own body works. You should have a better understanding of what vaccination is, how it works, and what these specific vaccinations actually entail before you go comparing it to human experiments at Auschwitz (this is something you probably read on Facebook, and are mindlessly repeating it without fully investigating any factual basis for it — you probably don’t ha e a particularly strong awareness of what was done in Auschwitz, either.)

Ugh. It’s just so annoying when people who are so clueless about all of this go around smugly thinking that they’re smarter than all the sheeple. Nope, nope, nope. This is Dunning-Kruger effect. You don’t understand any of this well enough to be able to have a thoughtful and legitimate opinion about it.

Stop relying on Facebook/Twitter/talkRadio/blogs/TV to provide you with opinions!!

To be fair, I think people on the left have often overblown the risks — but doctors and scientists know better than right-wing media pundits. It’s silly to listen to right-wing media rumors while ignoring people with actual knowledge and expertise in this area.

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