test week 1 update in my challenge

  • May 1, 2014, 12:08 p.m.
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well the week so far hasn't been terrible. i've been pushing myself pretty hard everyday for workouts. i'm very tired, and i have been all week. the only time i don't feel tired is after my workouts. i'm considering adding an additional workout in the morning before i go to work. we will see about that one. i have to do something about this sleeping issue. i've done melatonin that just gave me weird dreams. i don't really have much caffeine in my diet to cut out. i mostly avoid sugar or any sweeteners. its weird. anyhow, lets get you up to date on things. my shoulders and chest are looking more amazing everyday, my stomach is getting a little smaller but its not making the same type of change that the rest of the upper body. stubborn stomach, not doing what its told! now due to my lack of sleep i've been grumpier than normal. which i've been uncertain whether or not to attribute to the test cycle or not. i know a lack of sleep does make me irritable, more research needs to be done here. i think more than likely its a combination of the two. next week should help determine that. been listening to motivational speeches, movie dialogs, and other stuff like that. it gets me pumped up during my day. maybe if you guys behave yourself i'll share them with you. one that really has stuck with me though is a quote i have no idea where it came from. it says something like: you're already in pain, you're already hurt, get a reward for it. its really helped to push me, it makes sense. why not keep going? its like paying for something on lay away, you're already putting money into it, you're not going to get that money back. might as finish paying for it. get what you wanted in the first place. besides if i just keep going in a few years i will look back and be glad that i did keep up with it. looking long term is the key i suppose, i just need to remember that if i just keep showing up, i keep working out its going to pay off. i'm no longer looking at it like i'm going to do this for 90 days and then see from there. i am looking at this like something i am going to do for the rest of my life. i know i like the way i feel when i get done working out, it is the greatest feeling in the world to me right now.

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