busting and brusing my ass in my challenge

  • May 6, 2014, 4:15 a.m.
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doubled the workout today. i'm doing a pretty awesome job with my workout. next week will be my light week. i've been crushing it but i need to give my body time to recover. my traps and shoulders look like they belong on a pro wrestler. i'm pretty pleased with that. my arms are coming along pretty well. my legs look great. the mid section isn't quite making the progress i'd like it to. might have to make some adjustments there. i broke a blood vessel in my ass and now i have a giant bruise on it. no fun at all. pushed myself much harder today than i normally do. even did some extra exercise. had to focus on my mid section a bit more. i want to count the muscles on my stomach. its not there yet. i'm going to keep going though, it will happen, even if its months from now. i don't care i'm going to make it happen, i'm so angry at the whole world i'm not going to take it anymore. my weekend made me realize how much easier life is when you are super attractive. so that's what i'm going to do. there are some people who've had chances to get more from me, women who've had chances to get in on the ground floor who've spurned their chances. men who've doubted or discounted my talents. all due to my not being the most attractive person in the room. no longer, i have to be that, i will have my ego be justified for more than my mind. because when it comes down to it i've done what i was told. i've stopped because it was all lies. now i will punish my body for being so gullible. i will continue to push myself until i don't know anything else. my brother started his work out routine again today, after i ragged on him to get it together. i brought up the competitiveness between the 2 of us. he has it as bad as i do. i know he will keep up. he's starting in better shape than i'm in. pretty much after 3 weeks he should be pretty ripped. i'm not going to let him beat me. i'm going to get as ripped if not in better shape than him. i will keep going until i do. he will do the same, he can't have me embarrassing him in something that is his wheelhouse. i need that, i need a near unbeatable rival. i'm fired up. if the midsection gets itself together it will all come together. i'm excited to see where i am in a year. even if i find out i stopped working out, then i'd be even more driven to prove that prophecy wrong. i've put in too much work to let this fall by the side. i am going to continue until i get what i want.

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