Trouble At t'Mill in Scottish Meanderings

  • Dec. 31, 2020, 9:33 p.m.
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I'm waaaaay behind on entries and have been ever since NoJoMo - my bookmarks regularly got up to 5 pages at that point and I thought after Christmas I would just spend extra time and catch up but I haven't been able to get it down to less than 3 pages yet. And to make it worse I keep seeing interesting people in other folks' notes I want to add and have to really force myself not to!

So Merry (Belated) ChristmasšŸ˜Š My decorations are all still up and will be for a while yet although I must admit Iā€™m getting quite a workout from climbing up and down on a chair to switch 3 sets of lights (old ones not in a timer) on and off at the window every day!

I can't believe I still have these Christmas letters and I apologise in advance for the wonkiness of them - makes me twitch just to look at that pic! I've literally had them since Nikki was a baby and they drive me mad every year trying to put them up because I'm not quite tall enough so need to stand on the settee/chairs/ladder to try and get the arc just right which is nigh on impossible - as you'll have noticed ......

I did notice a significantly reduced number of Christmas cards this year (although not as sparse as the above pic shows - that was taken on December 4th!) but the ones I got still cheered me up - and there was a very special one from my brother, Mike. You remember his wife, Jenny, died in August? I may not have written about that in any depth, I can't remember. Anyway when he was clearing out her stuff he came across a lot of craftwork she'd done and part of it was a whole box of Christmas cards she'd made so he decided to send them out to the family. It was lovely to get that special reminder of her especially at this time.

And even though we couldn't go to her funeral, I have to say there is something positive about these funeral webinars. She lived in London so it's unlikely I would have been able to get to her funeral (I mean if we were in 'normal' circumstances) but the webinar meant I could share in the event and listen to her sons gives excellent talks about her. The eldest, Arran, lives in New York and his brother, Malcolm, is in Sri Lanka. Malcolm managed to get over thankfully but Arran couldn't leave the States so he was able to record something and have it played at the funeral instead. As well as that, Jenny was brought up in in Sri Lanka so any family still living there could also 'be' at the funeral via the webinar.

My Dad's youngest brother, Tommy, died the following month in September - the last of that generation - his funeral was in Edinburgh. We have many relations on that side of the family over in Canada and the States so having the webinar meant that they could 'share' the experience with us and it was lovely afterwards to have messages flying back and fore between everybody saying how nice a service it had been and sharing past memories of Tom.

We almost got a white Christmas here - it snowed on Christmas Eve -

- which worried me somewhat because I had a half hour drive on country roads to make on Christmas Day. However there wasnā€™t any more so that was a relief - it was just enough to get the kids excited and give a pretty Christmas card feel to the day :)

I had a very lovely Christmas and thank my lucky stars that, for once, living on my own has produced a positive result i.e. that I could add Nikki & the kids into my bubble all through the lockdowns and restrictions. At the moment she's not allowed to come into Aberdeen unless it's essential but I'm ok to go out there so I toddled on out on Christmas Day afternoon expecting things to be a tad stressful because she had bought the girls new bed sets (with desks and chairs underneath) from Santa. That meant that they'd been sleeping in with her from the Tuesday onwards as 'Santa's elves were busy building the beds' so she hadn't had much sleep that week as it was - then Lilah and Ruari took turns to be awake from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. on Christmas morning after which Lily woke raring to go at 5.30 a.m.!

However she gave the girls their iPads and managed to grab a nap when Ruari had one at mid day so was actually quite bright when I got there but just after the meal, she turned a distinct shade of grey/white and had to go and lie down again. She was absolutely fine with me through the whole day though which made a huge difference to my Christmas Day, and she'd got me lovely presents and a beautiful card with nice things written in it. Which confused me somewhat I must admit - not sure if it was some attempt at an apology or a peace offering or something? I don't know - and I'm not asking!

I was terrified I would be too ill to go because on the Tuesday of Christmas week I was sick as a dog during the evening until around 1 in the morning. I was really mad on two counts -

(1) because I had only that day thrown out TWO different sandwiches which were several days past their 'use by' date SO THAT I WOULDN'T GET SICK BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY (!!) and

(2) because I had treated myself to a seafood selection from Tesco to the tune of Ā£3.50 and had had that with lime & coriander rice (both well within date) for lunch. Let's just say that was a total waste of money :( Thankfully it seemed to be a 24 hour thing and after a dodgy Wednesday I was fine - and nice and empty ready for the Christmas feast!

I stayed until the kids were all in bed then Nikki wanted to rant about something that had happened that week so I sat on her bed and listened which made us think of one of the times she came back from her endless trips back and fore to hospital before she had Lily (seriously we spent 5 days just traipsing back and fore, her convinced 'this was it', me knowing full well it wasn't but having to lug a suitcase which wouldn't have been out of place for a 2 week stay to Spain back and fore each time in case it was!). On one occasion when we were sent home yet again, she'd been given morphine so once she was in bed, I sat on the other end of it writing just to keep an eye on her because she was coming out with all sorts of gibberish as the drug took hold :)

So that sent us down memory lane and we reminisced for a while which was nice.

The title of the entry doesn't refer to us (for once) but to the fact that I obviously jinxed the Skinner Sibling Tuesday Night Chats in my last entry by saying I was so chuffed that we'd been going for six months every week without fail - because the week after that Mike and Lorna fell out!šŸ™„

They're both pretty dominant personalities and Mike tends to take over most of the time which pisses Lorna off. And she shows it. This particular night she was talking about her playlist on iTunes which she now can't find and how she was sick of technology and Mike started to tell her about making a playlist on Spotify but she interrupted him in a very screechy way so he turned and started talking to a jumper hanging up behind him to make the point that the jumper doesn't interrupt or talk back! Which was actually pretty funny. Lorna then made a sarky comment that interrupting was the only way she could get a word in edgeways because he talked all the time and stuck her tongue out at him and it all kind of went downhill for a bit.

However that blew over but Lorna felt bad so apologised to Ian & I afterwards and said she'd apologised to Mike as well. Which would have been fine had she left it there but she then went on to tell him why she had been snippy. "Not sure how that'll go down" she said. "Like a lead balloon I should imagine" I replied! Because let's just say Lorna is not known for her tact. And Mikeā€™s not known for accepting his faults.

A few days later there was a long e-mail from Mike basically saying snippy wasn't the word - downright rude was more like it and he'd noticed the sarky comments and eye rolls over the weeks and had had enough so thanks but no thanks - he wasn't coming back. Then Lorna said no no this was her fault so she would bow out instead and he could carry on. Ian & I both told them we all had faults and foibles which drove each other mad from time to time but we were family and should stick together so should find a way round this.

However they weren't budging.

Problem was Lorna is an extrovert, very sociable with lots of friends and two of her four children (with four grandchildren) living very close to her. Mike on the other hand is pretty much a loner - he owns a lighting shop which he's worked in right through lockdown and he's there 5 days a week full time - just him and this other guy who is basically useless. He lives on his own, has one son in New York and another in Sri Lanka and I don't think he has much in the way of friends so I honestly think he really looked forward to the chat with us every Tuesday night - even though he would probably die rather than admit it!

So as it looked like Lorna was definitely not coming back, Ian and I decided we'd try and encourage Mike to return so between us we managed to get him to come back and we had our chat as usual but without Lorna on Tuesday night.

But I think Iā€™ve inadvertently gone and made things worse!

We do our chats at 7.30 through Messenger and I created the group so I'm the only one who can take people off. Just before we were due to start, I suddenly realised Lorna would get the call when I rang everyone. What if she spontaneously decided to pick up? Obviously that would be great but Mike was only there on the proviso that she wouldnā€™t be so that scenario had the potential to create WW3 again.

And it was now 7.29 so I had no time to think it through properly. I removed her. Which had the inevitable result. She saw it and wondered why and I realised no explanation was going to come out well because basically it looked like Iā€™d taken her off but kept Mike on! So her imagination had run riot. And sheā€™d missed us so was more bothered than sheā€™d sounded in the e-mails.

However Ian and Margaret and I had been chatting about it and had already decided we would ask them both if they were amenable to alternate weeks - Mike one week, Lorna the next. Not ideal but we thought it might be the best solution in the long run. Lornaā€™s up for that so Iā€™m just waiting to hear back from Mike. And then peace may reign once more.

Wouldn't be Christmas without a family spat now would it?! :)

I'm presuming there will be fireworks in a few hours as we welcome in the New Year - I've heard a few bangs already. I have a great view of the town from my bedroom window so will have a ringside seat at midnight.

So now itā€™s only left for me to wish you all a much healthier and safer 2021 from the Glowsticks Family below (courtesy of Lily, Lilah and Ruari plus some strategically placed glowsticks) - letā€™s hope itā€™s a much better year for all of us!

SlĆ inte Mhath!

Last updated January 20, 2021

JustSurviveSomehow December 31, 2020

Oh my goodness how ridiculous! That is true though - wouldn't be Christmas without some kind of family turmoil. I'm glad that things went well between you and Nikki and that you were able to see them for the holidays!

Marg JustSurviveSomehow ⋅ January 01, 2021

Me too! :)

Camdengirl December 31, 2020

Families are such tricky negotiations... my personal take is that anyone who cares about family can be civil for the odd time they are invited to a family event!

Marg Camdengirl ⋅ January 01, 2021

Exactly - itā€™s only a couple of hours once a week which could easily be changed to once a fortnight/once a month if necessary - surely not too much to ask!

Camdengirl Marg ⋅ January 01, 2021

There is something about siblings which reduces you to being 8 years old and squabbling!

Marg Camdengirl ⋅ January 01, 2021

I agree!

IpsoFacto December 31, 2020

Iā€™m happy that you had a lovely Christmas and the things went well with Nikki. You write so well and I feel like I was there with you. Wishing you a happy new year And a wonderful 2021.

Marg IpsoFacto ⋅ January 01, 2021

Thank you Dana - all good wishes for a happier, healthier 2021 for you as well!

Beret December 31, 2020

Quite the holiday you had there. I think you covered all bases of things that could go wrong. But I'm happy you got to visit Nikki and that it was only food poisoning. Happy New Year which I think it's just barely the new year there as I type this!

Marg Beret ⋅ January 01, 2021

Haha weā€™re in a sorry state just now where food poisoning is the more welcome optionšŸ˜. But yes I admit I was quite relieved too!

thesunnyabyss January 01, 2021

Happy New Year!!!

what a thoughtful and lovely card your brother sent, very thoughtful and beautiful,

glad to hear Christmas with Nicky and the kids went so well,

have a safe and healthy new year!!!

Marg thesunnyabyss ⋅ January 01, 2021

Thank you - you too!

Deleted user January 01, 2021

"Thankfully it seemed to be a 24 hour thing and after a dodgy Wednesday I was fine - and nice and empty ready for the Christmas feast!" Now that's what I call a silver lining!

I hear you on trying to keep up with reading on here, and seeing interesting people to add. So many good writers on here.

Marg Deleted user ⋅ January 01, 2021

Exactly what I thought (once it was all over) - bring on the mince pies!šŸ˜

Just Annie January 01, 2021

Happy New Year! I hope 2021 brings you much happiness and good health!

Marg Just Annie ⋅ January 02, 2021

Thank you! I hope itā€™s a much better year for you and Robert too :)

Sabrina-Belle January 01, 2021

Oh dear, I hope you manage to sort something out with Mike and Lorna.
I always keep the decorations up until twelve night, just love them.
Happy new year!

Marg Sabrina-Belle ⋅ January 02, 2021

Same here! :)

history of love January 01, 2021

I love the glowsticks family!
I must admit, I did think it was trouble between you & Nikki when I read the title so I'm glad it isn't and hope that Lorna & Mike agree to your alternative week suggestion or patch it up.
All the best for you and your family this coming year.

Marg history of love ⋅ January 02, 2021

Thank you! I hope you and Chef have a great year together this year :)

noko January 02, 2021

I am so glad the stars aligned and you were able to spend Christmas with your family in a positive way. This crazy time is affecting us all and some of us are handling it better than others. If there were fault lines in relationships before sometimes the cracks get bigger but how distressing for you and your siblings who were looking for a way to stay connected. Happy brand new year and hope for our future.

Marg noko ⋅ January 02, 2021

Youā€™re right - the two of them never got on at all so I suppose the chats just exacerbated that when I think of it. Happy New Year to you - I hope itā€™s a much better year for all of us!

ConnieK January 02, 2021

Maybe Nikki is bipolar? I'm glad it was not tense. As for Lorna and Mike, sibling rivalry can last a lifetime. Hey, I heard your country is experiencing a COVID surge. Be careful. Wishing us all a healthy, prosperous, and peaceful 2021!

Marg ConnieK ⋅ January 02, 2021

Nah sheā€™s just Nikki!šŸ˜ Yeah we have a worse strain emerging in the south of England - hasnā€™t reached us yet but itā€™s worrying for sure.

Oswego January 02, 2021

I really thought that homemade Christmas card was so magical with the house on the snowy hill. Loved it. What a beautiful gift to receive from Jenny after she he had died.

Despite the spats and grievances, it seems you had a very nice Christmas. So glad things went well with Nikki.

A Happy New a year to you! My slogan for 2021 is, ā€œHope at last!ā€

Marg Oswego ⋅ January 02, 2021

Without hope weā€™re sunk! Happy New Year! :)

NorthernSeeker January 02, 2021

It's too bad you had the Bickerson's in on your family chat. I've heard that those little fits of temper can have people kidding the guilty for years to come. I'm thinking someone could address the jumper as Lorna and talk to it. Your solution was very diplomatic. I love the glow stick family. I imagine Ruari was making his way over the hug the legs of the photographer.

Marg NorthernSeeker ⋅ January 03, 2021

Youā€™re exactly right - thatā€™s just what he was doing! :) Maybe we should add the jumper to the group - it seems to have much better behaviouršŸ˜

Justlovely January 03, 2021

I love that couch! Is that the settee? I'm not super familiar with what piece of furniture that word uses.

Marg Justlovely ⋅ January 03, 2021

Couch/settee/sofa - take your pick - we use them all here! :)

Justlovely January 03, 2021

I'm so glad the holiday was mostly good for you. Ugh, I almost got food poisoning from very "nice" restaurant food on my anniversary right after Christmas. I was so worried all night. I had a stomach ache. The food was not what we'd ordered, and we were not going to drive back to the place to fix it, so I gamely tried to eat some, but it was awful; probably bad fish. If you haven't gotten my card yet, it is definitely in the mail. It went out from here on 23 DEC. We have noticed some pretty serious delays in our mail. We got a couple of things just on Friday that had been mailed on 12 Dec. and one of them came from the city just a 15 minute drive up the road. Happy New Year, Marg. I am soooo looking forward to pretty much anything in 2021. I believe things can only start moving in a more positive direction for all of us.

Marg Justlovely ⋅ January 03, 2021

Oh thatā€™s so lovely of you to send me one Mary - Iā€™ll look out for it! Iā€™m so grateful to get any cards now because so many folk have stopped doing them. So sorry you had a bad stomach when you were supposed to be celebrating - glad it never came to anything though! A very Happy New Year to you and yours too - I think itā€™ll be a while before we get back to normal but Iā€™m hoping 2021 will be a much better year for all of us :)

Marg Justlovely ⋅ January 04, 2021

The Universe must have been listening - it came today! Lovely to get a letter and hear all your news - thank you so much - I really appreciate it!

Kristi1971 January 03, 2021

Happy New Year!

Serin January 04, 2021

I'm so happy Christmas went so well for you. It's great you got to spend unstressful time with them.

And sorry about the chaos with Mike and Lorna. Hopefully that will ease a little and you can gather everyone again.

Exhumed By Scrying Eyes January 07, 2021

I intentionally space out my entries specifically so that you don't have to play 'catch up'. lol

Never heard of a funeral webinar. Hard to imagine. When one of my best friends killed himself, we must have had a half dozen different gatherings at different homes telling and retelling stories.

I keep hearing these stories of pain meds and people going in and out "as the drug takes hold". It's all like a placebo to me. :/

Spat aside, I'm glad you had a very nice snowish holiday.

Marg Exhumed By Scrying Eyes ⋅ January 08, 2021

That was one of the best parts of my Mumā€™s funeral - talking to everyone afterwards and hearing loads of stories and memories they had shared with her. The webinars were started in lockdown because numbers of attendees were restricted for a funeral but it means more people who wouldnā€™t be able to get to the funeral for whatever reason can share the experience so I kind of hope they continue once weā€™re back to ā€˜normalā€™ - if we ever get there!!

Exhumed By Scrying Eyes Marg ⋅ January 18, 2021

Yes, 'if we ever get there'. ā˜¹ļø

2nd week of November we had 4,000 cases of covid in my city and 39 dead. Today (2 months later) we have 11,318 cases and 90 dead.

The outlook is grim to say the least.

Stay safe out there!

Marg Exhumed By Scrying Eyes ⋅ January 19, 2021

It sure is.

edna million March 18, 2021

We JUST took down our Christmas tree..... and yes, it is now March 18! I did take all the really Christmasy ornaments off it and make it a "winter tree". I think in Covid times there are no rules about when Christmas needs to go! It would probably still be up except the weather is getting warmer and it seems time to let winter go. Sorry about your sibling's spat - I hope it's worked out that you can take turns with them. And it really is a benefit to be able to hold funerals online. Mark's mom passed away last week- one day after her 100th birthday!! - and we're just waiting till later and do a memorial, although an online service would be really nice since she's outlived most of her friends and her family that's left is all over the US.

Marg edna million ⋅ March 19, 2021

Haha I think that must be some sort of record although youā€™re right, Iā€™ve noticed quite a few strings of fairy lights still up in various places - I think folk need the sparkle right now!
So sorry to hear about Markā€™s mom - she fairly made that a full life didnā€™t she? I hope the last few years werenā€™t too onerous for her.

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