What a pretty snow.... it needs to go away now. in shiny things
- Feb. 14, 2014, 3:22 p.m.
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We ended up with about 10 inches of snow, which wasn't nearly as much as a lot of people got. We also had just plain old snow, and not the nasty snow-rain-sleet-snow-ice-snow combo that was going on in the Piedmont. And around DC and Baltimore too, apparently. Our power never flickered, and the bathtub that's been filled up with water for two days (excepting when we drained it to take showers and then filled it again) hasn't been used for anything other than to baffle the cats.
I went out for a little while this afternoon and walked around and took some pictures and shoveled snow off the sidewalk and away from the Civic in case we decided to drive somewhere (Baker B came out too and also shoveled some so the neighbors wouldn't think he was making me do all the work, despite the fact that I wanted to do all the work since I was in serious need of some exercise and it took about two minutes to shovel the sidewalk anyhow). Then later in the day we decided we would try to go somewhere, because we were bored and tired of being housebound and it was just snow! Not ice! And we have snowtires with studs on the Civic! How bad could it be out there??
WELL, pretty bad, actually. Our neighborhood was okay, as the road was just snow and not slick. No problem! But we got down to the main road, and it was a great big mess. It was covered in snow that hadn't been plowed in quite some time, but had been driven on so it was all messy and slick. Fortunately there was a truck coming up the hill just as we were getting to the main road, and we got to watch it sliding all over the place, which made us realize perhaps going out wasn't such a great idea after all. And maybe just turning around and going back home would be wise. Of course at that point there's nowhere to turn around -- the little parking area at the neighborhood entrance hadn't been cleared so was 10 inches of snow-- so Baker B did get out on the main road and drive a short distance to a church that's right around the corner from us, where he could turn around and go back. Luckily that wasn't too bad and we did make it home. Where we have stayed ever since.
Campus is closed tomorrow until 10, so hopefully the snowplows will have gotten to the main road and we can get out by then. (And by "main road" I really mean a secondary road.. we live in a little neighborhood off a secondary road that's narrow and steep, and it leads down to the REAL main road, which is a five lane highway. They do clear it since it's a highway and we have several ski areas around us and can't let the skier tourists get killed.)
It is a pretty snow. I am already sick of it and want spring to come now. Please. Soon. HURRY.
The road in front of our house. This is the GOOD road.
Yes, we are missing a deck rail. Yes we have been missing it for ages. Yes, it does look quite dangerous.
This is our fake plastic bird. All covered in snow.
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