NSFW Admission in Book Five: Working Through the Maze 2018

  • Dec. 6, 2018, 1:58 p.m.
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So… consider this one of those “Stupid BS confessions to the void that doesn’t need to be said but I’m saying it anyway”

I’m sick of porn. Like… I have a beautiful woman in my life that I’m married to and whom I love.... I’m sick of porn and would FAR prefer an actual sexual encounter. Probably obvious… but still.

Sometimes… I wonder if I’m the poster boy for the Incel Movement. A married man with sexual urges that isn’t having sex with his wife and is, instead, relegated to Internet Porn because “respecting Wife’s autonomy and agency” means I never have sex. I get that such thoughts are dark and perhaps evil… after all, we SHOULD respect people’s agency and autonomy… violence and sexual violence are inexcusable. The fact that Incels consider “sexual need” to be sufficient justification for rape and murder is both insane and disgusting. But I sometimes wonder if people in my position are directly feeding in to their world view.

Down the rabbit hole... December 06, 2018

Yeah except a healthy sex life is an important part of marriage.

Domino Down the rabbit hole... ⋅ December 06, 2018

Vitally important. It's why I'm divorcing my husband. With his body, he did not honour me!

Domino December 06, 2018

She's breaking the vows of her marriage and thoughts are thoughts doesn't mean you'd do anything!

And you're not involuntarily celibate because I bet you could go out and cheat on her right now if you were that way inclined. It's your choice to stay loyal and faithful. You're a good person.

I feel like you should just use a hooker for a cuddle every now and then. Surely no different to getting a man in to fix the washing machine, but I imagine you'd feel guilt and shame which would be counter productive.


woman in the moon December 06, 2018 (edited December 06, 2018)


There are people who go through their whole live without sex. Many peoplego through long periods of their lives without it.
It's assumed though that married people have sex. That is the point of marriage. Well one point anyway. A big one.

four leaf clover December 07, 2018

I'd imagine I'd get bored of porn too. Its physical contact with another person that you really need. And yeah, sex is important because both people need to be on the same page. Otherwise.... problems. If you both didnt want it then no problem.

Deleted user December 07, 2018

File for a divorce, she probably is banging someone else. Don't marry again, just fuck as many woman that want to fuck you. I'm bitter, my experiences with woman has not been good, they don't offer friendship, emotional support. Sex at times has only been the positive outcome that makes me feel a little better. Woman are always take take take, or me me me me.

Deleted user Deleted user ⋅ December 08, 2018

This is advice I suggest you don't take.

Deleted user Deleted user ⋅ December 08, 2018

Yeah, don't take my advice.

Deleted user December 08, 2018

Your desire for sex, intimacy, human touch, etc. All normal, and totally understandable. So is your frustration for not having any of those things, especially being in a relationship! Bad news is your wife may take a long time to come around to giving you what you need, if she ever does. Which in my opinion after over a decade I don't think it's happening. Good news is you're not trapped in this situation. You can have what your heart desires, or you can stay. You are not a prisoner to this marriage unless you choose to be.

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