Follow Up in Book Two: The Fifteenth Year of the Third Millennium of the Common Era

  • Oct. 15, 2015, 3:16 p.m.
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I spoke with my parents last night.
They were both excited and adamant that we move to Ames as soon as possible and do whatever we can to make the transfer a reality.
I spoke with Wife last night.
We agreed that, as much as we need to be in Iowa and as much as she needs to get out of her current store (and Wal Mart entirely), there were things we needed to make sure were in place before we simply jumped at the transfer opportunity. Most important of which was how much time would they give us? Because I need to put 2 weeks in and fulfill those 2 weeks. Perhaps the new generation of workers doesn’t respect that, but I absolutely do. You don’t screw over your employer. Plus, we would need at least a little time to find a place to live in Ames and pack up our apartment.
Wife texted me this afternoon.
They needed her to start by the end of the month. We can’t do that. We are not capable of going from Omaha residents to Ames residents with her starting a new job in less than 16 days. So, she had to decline the transfer.
But positives in the negatives! Positives- Transfer is a possibility and this was a good wake up call for us to start getting things in order for a move whether it is next week, next month or later. AND this encouraged me and helped me see new opportunities for applications. So… there’s good stuff, too.
I just hope this doesn’t put too much pressure on Wife. I can see her thinking “This was my one transfer chance and it fell through” when I know that isn’t true. And… even if it is… good! That woman needs to get the hell out of Wal Mart. And her excuses are reasonable… she’s not going to start a new job and/or new school while I’m passionately and aggressively looking for work in Iowa… but she does need to start thinking about her next step in all of this.

So… ultimately… we stay. I stay in Omaha now working in a life-threatening position without training.... she stays in Omaha still working at a store she despises… and I continue to send out application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application after application.

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Last updated October 15, 2015

Stephably October 15, 2015

The good thing is that there are opportunities and you have somewhat of a plan. good luck with it all 😊

Waiting For Sunrise October 15, 2015

It's a shame that this opportunity wasn't viable for you, but even the opportunities we don't or can't take, still offer us something... mostly hope, I think, because they are a tangible reminder that we are not stuck in our current position, and that the next opportunity may be one we can act on.

Always Laughing October 16, 2015

I am hoping another chance comes up and with better timing.

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