Not all rainbows and sunshine. in Bittersweet

  • May 22, 2024, 3:24 a.m.
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  • Public

Im ready to cry.
Im pretty sure my kids are going to loose their health insurance. They qualify for the buy in for those over income for medicaid for the state. For kids under 18.
Well they did.
We are less then 2K OVER the yearly max income. And we are PRAYING they take into account that we pay 800 a month to health insurance for T and me. We make 120K a year, the cut off limit is 118.

Its going to be several hundred to add our kids. The thing is. two months ago i got a fucking raise. And thats what killed us. And of course they didnt request the income two months ago. Its now. And I dont know what to do.

Any time we get ahead at all. We get hit with something! I just had to buy new tires and that was 1300!
T says we will amke it work… I just dont know how. Even with the raise I got, it hasnt helped so much. I still have this thing about our cars. Like we pay 1400 for our cars and 2k for our mortgage. Why the hell dont those things count to help! Because its the government right. Fuck these people…

Even if I quit my job to get health insurance back. We cant afford to live.

FragileGlass May 22, 2024

Life is hard , I know.
120k a year is a good income, so maybe there are some money leaks somewhere that you could plug? Or maybe some areas you could cut back on to save money?
I hope things work out for you.

ChainedChrysalis FragileGlass ⋅ May 23, 2024

We are extremely careful, We are paying off debt and dont do much treating. We dont eat out, have subscriptions or drink coffee. We own our house, have two cars we pay on and debt. My one splurge was I found a swimming pool half off and bought it. We just live in a really high cost of living area unfortunately. And we spend over 800 ( up to 1200) a month on food for 4 kids ( 3 teen boys) And I refuse to eat lower quality food or buy less healthy options because its cheaper. Gas is over 4 a gallon and I have a half hour commute so it all adds up. I keep looking for options. But sometimes unless we stop paying on the debt and just let it add up more and more we arent sure..

FragileGlass ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 23, 2024

I wish you the best 🥺❤️‍🩹

Jinn May 22, 2024

That is hard. You do have a pretty good income ; maybe there is a work around somehow. Explore all your options.

ChainedChrysalis Jinn ⋅ May 23, 2024

I know we make good money between to the two of us. But aside from stoping paying debt, we wont be able to save any money. We dont have any kind of savings because we are trying to pay off debt. :/ I keep looking.

Jinn ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 24, 2024

I know that feeling. I feel for you guys. We can’t save either .

Small Town Girl May 22, 2024

Yep! Everyone in this country is in the same boat! The more ppl you talk to the more you realize everyone is riding a very fine line. Everyone's bubbles are about to burst! I'm sorry, this really sucks! I feel you!

ChainedChrysalis Small Town Girl ⋅ May 23, 2024

I know. I realize how bad it is for everyone. Its stressful. And supposedly we are worse off NOW then during the great depression? Inflating and rates are higher? I dont get it. I remember thinking when you broke 100K you MADE it. Of course growing up, when we made over 100K we had a big house, property. 2 cars, snow machines ( mobiles) 4 wheelers. a boat. I mean we DID make it. That is not the reality now. Now its barely scraping by.
Ill figure out a way to add a couple hundred more in this bill a month. Dont have a choice.

Small Town Girl ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 23, 2024

I do not know that I believe it's worse than the Great Depression. My grandma told stories. I dunno if it's that bad for most yet. But IDK I guess. Most people are still putting food on the table. My grandma's family struggled to do that. They had ration. My brother and I talk about it all of the time. I think it's always been like this. I think every generation struggles. My parents did. The 60s and 70s were rough for a lot of people. I think people always worked damned hard and barely made it. Each generation the wage and the cost of living goes up and it just never ends. It's bad. But I think it was bad for every generation. But yea. There are talks around here that the crash is coming. Construction jobs and contracting jobs are scarce and drying up. People aren't have work done. Building has slowed. I know a few in the industry that are saying they've been laid off. We have been working with a realtor, and my boss' husband does home inspections for the real estate market and both are saying the realty industry is really starting to slow. My boss' husband normally has home inspections all day, he's down to a few a week, sometimes 0 a week. It's going to crash. My guess is after the election. It's going to get bad!

ChainedChrysalis Small Town Girl ⋅ May 24, 2024

I dont know if my area will crash persey, We are really good commute from the military base and houses are expensive but still sell.
I dont think its as bad as the great depression, it just shocks me in a way when people compare. I dont see people begging homeless on the street en mass. And we do have a substantial homeless population because our climate is fairly mild in terms of cold. BUT I know its still ok. Things like Pools arent selling out as fast now. Cars arent being sold as much. But they are still moving. Its slowing but still moving so there is that. Things have to turn around. Im hoping we get a new presient so we can get some changes made. I feel like this post covid states is so stagnated and just getting worse.

Small Town Girl ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 24, 2024

I think many ppl are living on fumes as far ad cash. Ppl are buying and living on credit. The restaurants are always busy but like how? The studies say the average person would struggle to have $500 for an emergency repair! I think post covid ppl are just living life high cuz we were all so repressed and depressed and shut in during covid that people went crazy on retail therapy and that never slowed once normalcy returned. Ppl realized how short life can be how much we take for granted in terms of free time and fun. When that was taken away and returned? It's like ppl are still spending like crazy to have fun and do what they want despite not really having the funds.

ChainedChrysalis Small Town Girl ⋅ May 26, 2024

That is a lot how the post depression was too. And people became so spoiled because they could be. People figuring out how to live despite running out. We will crash again soon.

Small Town Girl ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 26, 2024

Definitely a lot of spoiled and self importance in many people from what I can see too!

ChainedChrysalis Small Town Girl ⋅ May 26, 2024

The newer generations are all so weird. I dont FEEL like working. I FEEL like taking days on end off. Well bish, either work or loose the job. Your feelings dont come into play.

Small Town Girl ChainedChrysalis ⋅ May 28, 2024

Lmfao yep!!

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