The Redeemer in Old

  • March 31, 2024, 8:15 a.m.
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  • Public

(Yes I know, according to some on here, I am going to hell for this. Oh well. If so, I will be laughing with hordes of others.)


sadandlonelygirl March 31, 2024

Hahaha this one is good! I love me some innocent (including borderline innocent) Christian humor!!

Scott sadandlonelygirl ⋅ March 31, 2024

If there had been such a person as Christ I believe he would have been humble and able to laugh at himself and so much more. And never walk around with a sword or AR-15.

sadandlonelygirl Scott ⋅ April 07, 2024

I believe so too! I don't think Christianity should be against things that are innocent parts of human nature, daily life humor being one of them.

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