My Own Private Hell in I'm About To Have A Nervous Breakdown

  • Jan. 26, 2024, 8:38 p.m.
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Craving hardcore right now…

Palmtreesandzebras January 26, 2024

Have a cigar and pet the cats!

Mr. Mofo Palmtreesandzebras ⋅ January 26, 2024

Do a hollowhold....and pet the cats!

J.E. Palmtreesandzebras ⋅ January 27, 2024

The cats were loved
Lily wouldn't get out of my lap when I had to pee.

Mr. Mofo January 26, 2024

This here is Murica, clean yer guns and sharpen yur knives...and pet the cats!

J.E. Mr. Mofo ⋅ January 27, 2024

The cats got petted

Mr. Mofo January 26, 2024

I truly hope you're okay. I hope you tossed all your booze into a bonfire to watch it burn...and then petted the cats!

J.E. Mr. Mofo ⋅ January 27, 2024

I'm fine, my good sir.

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