I was delighted to find out that chatGPT can write poems as well!
write a poem about discernment and overcoming herd stupidity
In the realm of thoughts, discernment gleams,
A beacon bright amid bewildered streams,
Where minds converge in herd's embrace,
And individual wisdom finds its place.

For in the throng of conformity's sway,
Reason often dims, led far astray,
But discernment, a torch in the night,
Illumines truths with its guiding light.

To sift through clamor, to hear the lone voice,
Amidst the chorus, a rare, bold choice,
Requires courage to stand apart,
And listen to the beat of one's own heart.

Amidst the noise of echoing crowd,
Discernment whispers, clear and proud,
Urging thought beyond the common din,
To cultivate wisdom from within.

Against the current, against the tide,
Overcoming herd stupidity with stride,
For individual minds, sharpened and keen,
Hold the power to break the collective sheen.

To discern is to question, to deeply inquire,
To quench the flames of ignorance's fire,
It’s a journey uphill, a noble quest,
To elevate minds, to be at their best.

So let discernment reign supreme,
Amidst the chaos, a tranquil stream,
Guiding souls with its steady hand,
To rise above the herd, to understand.