Figures... in Hello

  • March 3, 2023, 2:45 p.m.
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  • Public

It’s either a guy or a bot fucking with me on Reddit.

That’s not cool to play on someone’s loneliness. Ex Machina broke my heart for the geek who was played by the A.I. robot. I want to watch the film Her but I know it will hurt me, too…

I’ll believe an artificial voice if it tells me it loves me.

Sappy or Pathetic, YOU DECIDE!

Forest Firefly March 03, 2023

Are you talking about the girl you were talking to?

J.E. Forest Firefly ⋅ March 03, 2023

Yeah. Too many red flags. She was already telling me she loved me. I didn't know her last name.

Forest Firefly J.E. ⋅ March 03, 2023

Oh damn. I'm sorry, that sucks so bad. It's hard enough to trust and connect to people without that shit happening. :(

Sleepy-Eyed John March 03, 2023

What happened?

J.E. Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ March 04, 2023

Too many red flags

Sleepy-Eyed John J.E. ⋅ March 04, 2023

Ya. I get that.

Mr. Mofo March 05, 2023

What pisses me off about red flags is 90 percent of the time they are unnessasary. People lying when they don't have to. Sorry you dealt with that. take care.

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