Funk (Updated] in Hello

Revised: 11/04/2022 1:42 p.m.

  • Nov. 4, 2022, 11:45 a.m.
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  • Public

Mom said some really mean things to me earlier today and I’ve been in a crappy mood since.

I wanted to get some alcohol to ease the moodiness but again, I reminded myself of the broken TV set and squashed those thoughts quick. Eventually I did sit down and talked things out. She’s been depressed lately and is starting to take it out on me. I told her to find a therapist.

Also, I’ve been blessed with an upset stomach (yet again) so I’ve been serving hot chocolate out my bum cave. Ugh!

Two hours later…
Ate some pot roast for dinner and it is sitting on my tummy like a rock. I already know I’ll be frequenting the restroom the rest of the night. This might be a side effect of the anti biotics the dentist called in for me.


At least that tooth isn’t hurting as bad anymore.

I will continue to lay here, bubbling gut, watching Critter Fixers and sipping on water.

Last updated November 04, 2022

Sleepy-Eyed John November 04, 2022

yech. TMI

Sorry to hear about your Mom. Me and mine fight like an old married couple, but we also get along pretty good most of the time too.

J.E. Sleepy-Eyed John ⋅ November 04, 2022


Ferret Mom November 06, 2022

That does not sound pleasant.

Stephably November 07, 2022

Antibiotics are evil. But make sure you take probiotics with those. Yogurt an hour or two before or after you take them should help with your tummy issues.

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