Three Days without power--I know who is responsible in Poetry

  • Feb. 21, 2021, 6:22 a.m.
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Okay, so I was one of those people without power for three days. There are still people without power. The Biden Administration is the responsible party. I will be calling attorneys. What the Biden Administration did is fucked up! I will be doing a video over this. The Department Energy not only purposely cause people to lose power intentionally, some people are having to pay almost $2000 for an energy bill in an apartment which is absurd. The order even states that people will pay up to $1500 a MWh. I believe this is if you do not have a contract. I have a contract at 7.2 cents per kilowatt hour.

This has cause me to be behind on things so I am going to need a little time to catch up. Hopefully, you will hear from me in a couple days.

If you want to search the order then Google Department of Energy 202 21 1

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