On Covid, probably Part I in Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

  • Nov. 28, 2020, 7:57 a.m.
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  • Public

Somewhere between “Kill’em all and let God sort them out”

and “Quarantine forever until this goes away!”

And “We can’t let our small businesses die.”

And “Karen, can you wear a facemask for two seconds?”

And “Huh, getting cold out, I like wearing this facemask.”

And “No matter what, our corporate overlords are getting richer and richer!”

And “But how will I hump my gunz?”

And “I thought Disney was our overlord.”

And “I prefer people never near me, ew, six feet is not enough.”


There has to be happy medium. Clearly, Disney invented the Russian China Ebola virus to make us watch their service, DisneyMAX.

(I was going to be serious, but that took a a left turn.)

Seriously. Wear a fucking mask, Karen. If all the Karens can wear a fucking facemask and stay the fuck out of everyone’s business, at least six feet away, we won’t have to worry about much. We can go back to the normal headlines of school shootings.

Oh, how comforting.

To think I wanted to end on a high note.

AnOrangeZebra November 28, 2020


gattaca November 28, 2020

Hi Timmy.

Timmy™ gattaca ⋅ November 28, 2020

OH DUDE, HI. I love you! Alas, I'm running late and master procrastinating. I will soon be reaching the age you were when I met you! THE TABLES HAVE TURNED.

In the words of Cartman, "How do I reach these kids?"

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