anticlimatic ⋅ 42 ⋅

Fool and contradiction.

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It was deliciously warm last night so I took advantage. Set out around 9:00pm and pedaled my bicycle through the long series of parking lots behind the storefronts on the west side of town. Be...

I’ve always been on the apathetic side. Survival of the fittest and the natural order always suited me just fine. Because I was always young, and strong, and didn’t care about anything or anyone...

Saw a video online using this song. Someone getting off of a subway and filming the steps and sidewalk in front of them, then suddenly glancing up surprisingly (to me) at the Cologne cathedr...

7 days ago

On Driving in anticlimatic

I drive more than the average person, I’d say. Mostly for work. Commuting from the town I live, around the bay to the town I work, every day. Driving from one job to the next. Sometimes six in a...

When I was a kid, at night, I’d pretend my bed was a pod of protection floating through space and I’d draw all of my stuffed animals near and imagine a type of eternity where we, my stuffed anim...

Anyone who finds themselves shouldered with the responsibility of seeing anything through to completion will back me up on this I think. A specific fear, or humility, born of experience. That th...

I’ve ranted and raved about this album cover before. Maybe it’s just my mommy issues, but there is something about it that does it for me. The baby, the way she’s looking at him, the hair up...

My girlfriend, who is very demure, very mindful in public (read: neurotic)- constantly yells at me for staring at people. People in the grocery store. People in their yards when we’re walking do...

The amount of time I spent as a kid baking on sidewalk stoops and curbs- stranded by childhood limitations, boredom, and peer pressure- was truly Lovecraftian in it’s scope (as well as madness i...

September 30, 2024

Lady In Black in anticlimatic

She came to me one morning, one lonely Sunday morning, her long hair flowing in the midwinter wind. I know not how she found me, for in darkness I was walking, and destruction lay around me...

September 29, 2024

Babymaking Music in anticlimatic

What’s a song off of your “seduce and destroy” playlist?

September 27, 2024

Dad Season in anticlimatic

mom and dad, 1970s Someone happened to give me a photo they had of my dad and me, in passing once on a job site I think, and I’ve kept it clipped to the visor of my truck ever since. It’s a ph...

I just saw the last full size K-Mart in the US closed recently. I assumed that happened a long time ago. All of the K-Marts within 1000 miles of here shuttered five years ago or more. I can’t q...

September 25, 2024

The McManus Dam in anticlimatic

The only thing left of this bad boy is some odd concrete rectangles in the grass, just off the bike path between it and the thin strip of forest growing along the riverbank. It was the first d...

A friendly reminder- Someone who disagrees with you politically is not necessarily a “bad” person, nor a “misinformed” person. They may simply have a slightly different order of priorities, a s...

September 22, 2024

Ailing Beauty in anticlimatic

I am obsessed with this group. I think it’s just a college choir, but it’s the only one like this that I know of. We get on average one “music video” a year, and although I’ve seen albums a...

September 20, 2024

In Defense Of Small Talk in anticlimatic

Look, I probably hate it more than you do. As an introvert, I don’t much care for chatting with strangers- and as an eccentric artist type, I don’t much care to mill about in dull predictable ch...

September 19, 2024

Thanks, River in anticlimatic

boy posing with his dog, 1882 The river that used to power my town sneaks along on the other side of the street from my house. It runs from Walloon lake, which is a small inland lake, through...

…weather permitting. Tonight will be my first under a roof since Thursday of last week. These last few deep mornings, when I’d wake in the night, I’d see stars and clouds and the northern lig...

September used to be a decidedly Autumn month, though it hasn’t been so in at least 10 years now. I am officially letting Summer adopt it. There’s this great scene really early on in Titanic wh...

September 12, 2024

The Shifting Green in anticlimatic

I was gliding along on my bicycle today, down by the waterfront, when I caught a whiff of some Italian cooking. Like meatballs or something. It was very familiar, and comforting somehow…like t...

Do you think those small lonesome trees in large building courtyards, like hospitals and apartment buildings where everything is of human craftsmanship origin and the sides of the building surro...

September 08, 2024

Can you smell winter yet? in anticlimatic

These two photos are over 100 years apart, though not a whole lot has changed. The Boat Works is long gone, replaced by a ball field- and that long brick wall you see in the background of the ...

One of my favorite new hobbies, as a lore and especially local lore nerd, is taking old photos from the online public domain archive sites, and using further research and other basic detective...

Books 1

244 Entries