
She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25

Entries 20

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I love and cherish my relationship with B… the good morning texts, the good night phone calls and messages all throughout the day… the spontaneous meet-ups at Starbucks or the grocery store… the ...

Been a while since I wrote! Where to start… Life has been good. I’m getting enough hours at work, not struggling too much financially. In fact, I’ve been able to save up for furniture and got my...

B and I took a short break apart, and by short I mean three days! Or was it two… Haha! Yeah I’m sad! But it felt like an eternity! I do not want to go that long without any contact with him again...

“You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. I have loved none but you.”- Jane Austen For the past two days, I’ve had a lump in my throat. I just want to have a good cry. Oh I’ve shed some t...

Wow. Where to start?! So much can change in six months! Last I wrote, it was fall and the boys were settling into a new school. I wasn’t working nearly as much as I am now. I was single. All tha...

September 03, 2014

Already?! in The Season of Letting Go

Here we are, first week of September. We are two days into the new school year and so far so good!! I was thrilled to discover that I didn’t need to spend any money on school supplies for Nick! T...

April 20, 2014

Happenings in Spring Has Sprung!!

Well hello there! Been a while hasn't it? I've been wanting to write for a while now but haven't found the time. So here I am now. Thought I would write while the boys are both busy. I am so ...

Hello! Hope you are all having a lovely weekend! I am being a bum at home- no kids this weekend. This morning I took my time getting up, read my Bible in bed, then went downstairs to make coffe...

I work with kids and I find they are constantly reminding me of how uptight us adults can be! It really doesn't make sense... Here we are encouraging children to explore, be creative and think ou...

I've just recently heard about this challenge, 100 Days of Happiness, and I feel like I want to join in :) I'm tired of this pessimistic attitude I have towards winter... And others around me hav...

Well, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've been ok. Currently battling a cold but apart from that things are alright. We are in March which means spring should be here in the next three weeks... ...

Tonight I met up at Second Cup with two fellow team members of the non-profit organization I'm a part of. The three of us are on the communications team and had some matters to discuss re: our w...

Having been to Africa, I realize now more than ever just how fast-paced and stressful our life in North America is. And all this pressure on us to DO more, BE more... Adults and kids alike. Kid...

Looking back on my life, it seems I go through periods of restlessness quite frequently. Just like the dishwasher or washing machine, my life goes through cycles and it appears I'm back to the '...

I think I briefly mentioned on here that I have my eye on this guy at my church... Yeah, I wish my church wasn't so dang huge sometimes because I want to see him every Sunday!! :) He's tall, dark...

Tonight as the boys' dad's girl friend dropped off the boys, girl friend asks if Nick had his pills today (no he did not). She then proceeds to tell me how Nick was fooling around at dinner, eati...

All week I have been waiting for money to come in. Oh hello, work pay! heart leaps a little then drops* Sigh... goodbye, work pay pays bills and is left with less than half her pay*. Back to wa...

Boys are finally in bed. Took them long enough to fall asleep! I think once they pass their tired point and get their second wind, getting them to settle is harder. The week just seems to have ...

Hope this works...

So I've officially given up on online dating. All three accounts deactivated. LOL. Oh it wasn't a horrible experience or anything. I'm actually glad I gave it another shot because I now know m...