Ms. Fury (she | they)
Entries 131
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NJM 26 - Blocked in Each Day
When’s the last time somebody blocked you, and was it deserved? When’s the last time you blocked somebody, and what was their crime? I don’t know the last person who blocked me. I have the FB Pur...
NJM 25 - Pleasure in Each Day
Write about a small thing that gives you an inordinate amount of pleasure. My clitoris. The End. hehehehe, I mean, yes really, but also not how I really would want to answer this. the way M’...
NJM 24 - senses in Each Day
If you had to lose one of your senses, which one would you drop? Fun fact, we’re all taught as kids that we have five senses. This is apparently a number that people in the field dispute. I’ve a...
NJM 23 - Hopefully nothing in Each Day
What will you never understand no matter how many times it’s explained to you? I knee-jerk wanted to say “Algebra” or even broader, “math”. But I do actually hope that’s untrue. I will never und...
NJM 22 - Ambassador in Each Day
What are you most proud of accomplishing this month? Today I finally got certified as a Positive Space Instructor. I started this process in February 2019, once you have done the Ambassador prog...
How do you spend the festive period, and what’s your favourite and least favourite thing about it? Before M I didn’t like holidays. My mother’s family was way to high stress to be able to enjoy t...
NJM 20 - A survey because I don't like today's prompts in Each Day
Do you put ketchup on hot dogs? Sometimes it’s ketchup mustard and relish. Sometimes it’s ketchup mustard and mayo. If I’m feeling real fancy its ketchup mustard cheese and pickles. It all depend...
NJM 19 - The One in Each Day
For the record, I don’t believe in The One. That was a myth dispelled in my late teens, when the guy I believed was The One broke up with me. It destroyed me. It was just before this time that I ...
NJM 18 - notifications in Each Day
Your phone beeps/buzzes with a notification. what are the top five things it’s most likely to be? 99% of the time it’s a text message, from one of the four different platforms that my friends an...
NJM 17 - prejudice in Each Day
Do you have any prejudices? If so, what are they? I grew up in a proudly Scottish community. Unfortunately that also meant I grew up surrounded by white supremacy. As a white-presenting mixed rac...
This weekend... in Each Day
… was wild. Thursday I got home and prepped for Remembrance Day. M was on parade, and I had asked to attend his parade so we could be together (originally I was supposed to be on a parade in anot...
NJM 16 - Stranger in Each Day
Write about a book or a song (or art) that’s had a huge impact on your life. Music was a huge part of my identity as a teen. Listening to that music as an adult fortifies me, fills me with streng...
NJM 15 - Me. in Each Day
Growing up, what was something you thought was perfectly normal until you realised it wasn’t? My childhood. You know, when you’re a kid you have no basis for comparison. My family was who they we...
NJM 14 - unreasonable in Each Day
When’s the last time you behaved completely unreasonably? The impulsive nature of my ADHD means that it is not uncommon for me to act in a way that is.. too much. It’s not necessarily untrue, bu...
Who would you love to see again, and is there anything in particular you’d want to say or do? The obvious answer is my dad. But there’s so many people I don’t have in my life anymore, and not all...
NJM 12 - ambition in Each Day
What’s a quality you can’t help but admire in another person? This feels weirdly counterintuitive to say… but ambition. Not in the “rat race” “competing to get ahead” kind of ambition, but that...
NJM 11 - Memory of 2022 in Each Day
What’s a moment in your life from 2022 that sticks in your memory? These last few weeks with Bastet have been pretty frigging memorable. But I’d like to keep that for us. I think the most poigna...
NJM 10 - change in Each Day
What’s something you’ve had a complete change of stance on, and why? The Military. Before I met M, when mom told me “a Canadian Soldier is always welcome at my dinner table”, I told her, “Fury g...
Introducing Bastet in Each Day
So I’ve been trying to come up with a better moniker for my friend from my first-ish entry. I kept calling her, “her”, because I couldn’t figure out an appropriate name for her. I even asked M fo...
Key players in my peeps - a glossary
M - My husband. We met in 2006, started dating in 2007, and married in 2014. He is the least complicated part of my life. He’s incredible. I never knew marriage could be this good. Red - My lif...
NJM 9 - Sins in Each Day
How guilty are you of each of the seven deadly sins (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth)? pride - I am proud of myself (while simultaneously thinking I’m The Worst, yaay trauma!...
NJM 8 - Grateful in Each Day
Yeah yeah, I’m a day late (and a dollar short), but I had good reason ;) What one item are you grateful to have in your life? Is my husband an item? My cats? I’m going to assume items are not fle...
NJM 7 - reincarnation in Each Day
If you could choose what to be reincarnated as, what would you choose and why? I believe in a sort of reincarnation, under the premise that energy cannot be created or destroyed. There’s just to...
NJM 6 - Hope in Each Day
What is something you hope for? So many things… I thrive on hope. It’s one of the reasons Superman has long been my favourite superhero (this latest version can eat a dick, though). I sat with ...
NJM 5 - Skip a beat in Each Day
When was the last time your heart skipped a beat? When she came to visit in July, we walked down to the beach for something to do. We stood around, the three of us, and chatted for a while. On th...