Ms. Fury

Entries 109

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November 07, 2022

NJM 7 - reincarnation in Each Day

If you could choose what to be reincarnated as, what would you choose and why? I believe in a sort of reincarnation, under the premise that energy cannot be created or destroyed. There’s just to...

November 06, 2022

NJM 6 - Hope in Each Day

What is something you hope for? So many things… I thrive on hope. It’s one of the reasons Superman has long been my favourite superhero (this latest version can eat a dick, though). I sat with ...

November 05, 2022

NJM 5 - Skip a beat in Each Day

When was the last time your heart skipped a beat? When she came to visit in July, we walked down to the beach for something to do. We stood around, the three of us, and chatted for a while. On th...

November 04, 2022

NJM 4 in Each Day

Describe how you faced a fear, or fears? I have a staunch thread of defiance when it comes to giving into fear. I have gone my life acting as though I will never let fear prevent me from doing so...

November 03, 2022

NJM 3 - off script in Each Day

I’m not a joke kinda person. I think I’m funny, I think I have good timing, but I also think life gives us so much material to work with and that there’s an art in being able to laugh at the ridi...

November 03, 2022

NJM 2 - goals, ironically in Each Day

Whew, day 2 and I already failed. Hahahah. I don’t care. Some things I’m just here for the lolz. What are my goals this month? don’t wish time away between excitements be in the moment on Nove...

November 01, 2022

NJM 1 - Self portrait in Each Day

I kind of just did this in my intro entry. But maybe I will focus on my appearance, in an abstract way because I want to be better about being anonymous. My hair has been every colour of the rain...

October 30, 2022

Veritable Sex Fest in Each Day

There has been a running “joke” among my friends that I will pawn off my husband, M, to anyone who wants to sleep with him. He’s always been an attentive lover, and I’ve been talking him up for Y...

There’s nothing like a shiney new journal, is there? This profile might be new, but I’m not. I’ve been journalling online since 1998, one of the early adopters at OpenDiary, back in the day. Th...

Books 3

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115 Entries

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