Silverkitty ⋅ 52

Entries 184

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John doesn't want me to go to church today because there's too many people and too much likelihood of my breathing in perfume and stuffing up my lungs again... I'm getting sooooooo frustrated wit...

Breathing much better today... almost afraid to hope I'm finally on the mend. Yesterday I couldn't really do anything but today I did two loads of laundry and tackled the craft room some more and...

Breathing much better today... but I'm getting that prednisone restlessness, AND the munchies. We're going to have to get some super low calorie snacks in so that I don't blow up like a balloon i...

Had to go to the local ER at five o'clock yesterday morning for asthma treatment... my brain was so foggy from lack of oxygen that I couldn't think of the most basic things, and I felt like I was...

Maybe it's just my mood today, but I'm thinking that we shouldn't bother to try to put down any roots in this particular rental home... while it was nice to get out of the apartment building, we'...

Looks like my comcast email has gone on the fritz... it's rejecting my user name and password for some reason known only to itself, and bouncing all the auto-forwards from gmail. Not going to wor...

Went to Orlando this weekend to see our sister and brothers-in-law. Rita had her major back surgery a month ago, and she's still pretty much homebound with people coming in to give her her therap...

When we moved in John said 'I like the dark grout, it doesn't show the dirt...' Guess what? After two weeks in the place I just realised that it's not 'dark grout' - it's FILTHY! It's actually cr...

The girls were being cute this afternoon... some pics in my blog.completely gratuitious cat pics

Nothing exciting to write about today... life is continuing. The oven is fixed and I baked a batch of (packet) cookies to test it. The bottom tray burned so I need to swap them round halfway thro...

Well, the toilets are fixed... we hope! The poor maintenance guy had to come out three times because he had the wrong parts. He's coming back on Monday to fix the window (he had to get different ...

Our health insurance made us take a physical to 'assess our risks' and decide whether to fine us for being unfit. John passed because although he's hugely oversized, he has perfect blood work eve...

The handyman and the landlord came over at nine to look at the oven and the bathroom window (which didn't have a winder and didn't work...) and while they were here I told them that the other toi...

It's 4am but I'm wide awake... since we moved, I've been waking up when the sun comes up and shines into the back porch beside the uncovered bedroom glass door, napping in the afternoon, 'can't-...

I had a panic attack in the grocery store last night... The stress of moving is getting to me. All I could think about what how much everything costs and none of the stuff I wanted was on sale (I...

Just had a striking dream... but I'm forgetting it before I can write it down. :( All I remember was that there was a special guest pastor preaching at our church, somebody very very special and ...

I posted some entries to my photo blog (now renamed 'living the tropical life')... see them here! Moving Day and Our Living Room More to come...

I love listening to Southern Gospel music... Contempory Christian is okay but the 'soft' stuff ends up sounding the same after awhile and 'rock' just seems like noise to me... the Southern Gospel...

February 27, 2014

Cat update in Another Open Diary refugee

The cats are having a hard time adapting to a new home but they're getting used to it. The first day Scouty and Silver cowered in their carriers (except Scouty jumped out of her carrier and clim...

The moving guys took ALL DAY on Monday... they sure earned their six hundred bucks. My bedroom dresser was a casualty - the supporting bar in the middle of the frame snapped off its mountings so ...

We're on the final approach... Yesterday we drove up to Stuart to get our key and do a final check on the apartment (yes, they patched up the paint and replaced the broken tiles and they replaced...

We've been so busy getting ready to move I haven't had time to sit down and write anything, but I wanted to take a moment to record the sweetest thing John's done for me in a long time... My DH ...

I don't know how to put pics in here... but I posted them to my old long-neglected photo blog. I had to - because I complained about the oldness and being disappointed in the apartment, mama seem...

The landlord wanted to know what colour/s we wanted in the apartment RIGHT NOW and the labour for painting was going to be $300, so I pulled the plug. I can't decide what colours I want for the n...

The other duplex we saw before was beautifully renovated because the guy living there was a handyman and he could do all the work himself... I was really looking forward to finally having such a ...

Books 2

183 Entries

2 Entries