Friday already? in Another Open Diary refugee

  • March 28, 2014, 7:50 p.m.
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Breathing much better today... almost afraid to hope I'm finally on the mend. Yesterday I couldn't really do anything but today I did two loads of laundry and tackled the craft room some more and did a lot of organising. My back is mad at me but I figured that it would be better for it to be moving around than yet more sitting/lying still. Dinner decided to fight me tonight - I made a box of German spaetzel pasta and it didn't want to cook, so I turned the heat up and it burned in the pan! It tasted pretty nasty anyway so it was no great loss... I nuked a bag of rice and veggies instead. And we had roast chicken thighs which were okay but not nearly as nice as the ones I made earlier in the week. Can't win them all! I soaked the burned pan while we ate and then cleaned it out. I LOVE my little soap dispensing scrubby brush - it makes it really easy to clean the pots, and everything else goes into the dishwasher a couple of times a week.

There was an excitement last night - our neighbour's car caught fire right in their driveway at two in the morning! I woke up to use my inhaler and John heard a noise and he looked out the front to see fire trucks and police and so forth... he made me stay inside and he went to find out what was happening. They're not sure if it was an accidental electrical fire or arson - somebody said something about somebody throwing something onto the car, but I don't know why anyone would want to do something like that. Besides, when people DO go in for arson sprees they usually set a bunch of fires, not just one... I expect it was a regular old electrical fire. I took a picture of the burned car this morning - the driveway is charcoaled and the car is a wreck, but their house didn't get touched, or even visibly smoke damaged. Lucky them because it was only a few feet away from the door!

Between hospitals and asthma attacks and runaway cats and car fires, I hope we've had enough excitement for awhile... I much prefer peace and quiet!

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm March 28, 2014

prayers life gets more quiet for you. glad you are feeling better. take care,

patrisha March 28, 2014

"I LOVE my little soap dispensing scrubby brush." YES! I have one too!

I am glad you are feeling a bit better...

RosesAreRed March 29, 2014


Everything Good Rebecca April 02, 2014

That certainly was some excitement, except for the burned dinner that didn't appeal anyway! It is good to see the little things to be grateful for and good to find the energy to do little tasks in the house that eventually spread to overall good feelings. I've been doing that sort of thing too and it really does make things better in my emotions as well.

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