
Book Challenge 2016 (52 books to be read in 52 weeks)

by TudorRose

Entries 35

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Two book reviews this entry… First is Confessions of a School Nurse by Michael Alexander, a pseudonym of a male nurse. This is a quick, easy read at 315 pages (including acknowledgements). The pr...

January 23, 2016

New Reading Maps

Places I’ve Read About Of places I’ve read about so far in 2016Make yours @ Where The Authors Are From Of places I've read about so far in 2016Make yours @

Confronting The Classics by Mary Beard (310 pages, including Further Reading, Acknowledgements, Sources, List of Figures, Index) is one of those books that “does what it says on the tin”. As the ...

Well, this was a quick (re)read at 136 pages (including Glossary and References). However, Follow The Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington/Nugi Garimara is an important one. It’s the story of t...

January 17, 2016

The Handmaids Tale (Read 5)

Just finished re-reading The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood (324 pages). The Republic of Gilead is in it’s infancy. Offred, like other Handmaids, has one function - to breed. Any deviation fr...

January 15, 2016

Where I'm reading

So, every so often I might update the following map - where my reading is set. An experiment to find out where the stories I’m reading are set in. Of places I've read about so far in 2016Make yo...

A race known as the Heechee left behind an artificial spaceport full of spacecraft before they vanished. When this is discovered by the human race, the idea of going off exploring for treasure in...

The Name Of The Rose by Umberto Eco (493 pages) is one of those layered books that requires more than one read to really understand the two plots. Or maybe the fact that I was struggling to conce...

January 07, 2016

Mornings in Jenin

Book number two for my reading challenge is Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa (338 pages, including author’s note, glossary, references and reading group guide) . This is the story that spans f...

January 04, 2016

The Red Notebook

Well, that’s book one out of 52 read. :) The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain is set in Paris, France. Laurent Letellier is a bookseller and divorced father. One day he finds himself stumbling ac...

Book Description

My online book journal. In 2016, I plan on doing 52 in 52 - 52 books in 52 weeks. The rules are:
1). These books MUST come from my TBR pile - no new books to be bought until I empty my TBR bookshelves. I am pretty sure I have more than 52 books anyway.
2). No limit on how many pages a book must have (seriously, a book’s a book at the end of the day - anyone remember the book challenge that was on OD?).
3). Just because I finish a book in two days doesn’t mean I can’t move on to the next book when I’m ready. If I have a book hangover, then I’m not going to push myself. 52 is the minimum I want to read.
4). To actually use my online book journal more regularly.

I tend to cull my books as I go. I moved towards the beginning of 2015, and culled a lot of books (namely most of two and a half six foot bookshelves). What has stayed are books I want to reread some day. Wound up with books covering three foot of bookshelf. These are the books that make up my “excellent” list - those that I will reread one day. I’m 35 years old now and am beginning to get fussy as I hurtle towards middle age. I do not have time for books that don’t engage me (although if I’m not in the mood during first reading, I will attempt a second read. Sometimes I am simply not in the right mood). My reviews are the books I finish. Anything I can’t enjoy after 50 pages gets donated to charity shops to sell on to people who might enjoy them more than I did.

I also tend to try and vary my reading - so one book might be, for example, a biography of Oliver Cromwell. I may then go into the realm of Sci Fi, for something different. Occasionally I might find myself getting stuck on what to read, and have two or three books to choose from (I’m not one for reading that amount at the same time). At which point I may be going online for suggestions.