
...a soft snow

by SweetestRomance~~~

Entries 10

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October 20, 2014

~~~where, when, why the waves (of passion) rules fall away …crash against the sand …into thousands of bubbles (feelings) (truth) (Love) (desire) …o o o O O O 0 0 0 () () () … ....right and...

February 21, 2014

...a jasmine blossom

...that fell on a Thursday morning, just above Ganesha ~ ...another waiting to open A warm, sunny morning in the garden ~ ...a new leaf bud from the red maple ~ ...and the honeysu...

February 19, 2014

...under the icy silence

I world is covered in snow...I wish for that warm feeling ...the kind that would make him melt...such a relaxing feeling~~~warm dreams and shared thoughts I believe in the return... I...

February 16, 2014

...never on Sunday

I miss the surprises

February 15, 2014

constant thoughts ~~~

...and wish each night in the dreaming hours

February 13, 2014

nostalgia ~~~

on the waves... this is an experiment on the waves...a favorite of mine always - a pause and thoughts in the days of the passing ~~~ and now the thoughts of the day...a snow day without wor...

February 11, 2014


...I just don't feel myself here ...I loved to write for one ~ who would read and love ...but since he's not here, my voice falls life sleeps in winter and sadness is the feeling of b...

February 09, 2014

...a path of red alerts's been on my mind since waking early on a Sunday morning, I checked my email - something I do when I first wake (hoping for a touch from someone somewhere ....but the touch never comes.....

February 08, 2014

drifting on thoughts ...

..of where I am ...caught in a winter dream....waking to Venus in the eastern, pre-dawn sky....alone on the waves, drum beats still play and carry the captured words ~~~I'm missing the star...

Mysterious ... of drums and dance poison from trees, half man, half demon wrapped in the ancient unstitched swirl that holds my gaze I am a vice ~ not a woman or a lover ~ an attrac...

Book Description

 photo F2DEDFB1-D063-45BF-9A31-5129A1DDC2B1_zps0blbtfzq.jpg
~~~ dreaming