
Voices Windward

by Rhizic

Entries 104

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June 13, 2016


Choose Your Narrative:- MUSLIM KILLS AMERICANS!!! Noble brother slays infidels G4S Murders gays! ‘Murican kills black and lationo nightclubers US Government worker goes on rampage A man with a w...

In the last session of the EU there were 6,961 votes on policy… of these the UK is on the winning side of the vote 65% of the time. This is indeed the smallest percentage of any nation… why? Becu...

It’s truly not that simple as “whether you want to moan about Westminster or Brussels and Westminster” is it tho… beyond the inevitable corruption of central politics we have very real matters th...

May 06, 2016

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses trap my partner at the door with their babble, I butt in and say it’s ok, no thank you… once… twice… no? I point out Jesus never wanted folk to push their faiths… I see the sl...

April 19, 2016

I might be..

I might be an socialist because I think that organisations such as google, facebook, bt, virgin, serco amazon,halliburton etc should be nationalised and handed over to non profit organisations wi...

April 17, 2016

A March I Didn't Go On

Start from miles away end at a big square… Don’t continue on into the den of the beast at all. It was a demo in London, it did nothing. Every time there is a A-B March, those with the capacity an...

April 09, 2016


There are 1.3 Million British Migrants across the EU Stealing jobs, benefits, women etc etc but also consist of a huge number of people of a retiring age. Note:.. Seemingly we can’t find space fo...

March 19, 2016

Simple Plans.

How to revolution… start with a Epetition and when you and the thousands are ignored write a letter or start a boycott … et sic per gradus ad ima tenditur … National strike of corporations and ci...

March 13, 2016

Rising Darkness America

It’s not rednecks and hillbillies who probably wont vote who are supporting Trump, it’s land owners, engrained racists and Aryan Patriots who finally have a voice for their illusory correlated xe...

February 29, 2016


55 riot vans, water cannons, rubber bullets and teams of anonymous men with chainsaws, crow bars and stanley knives. This is how the great West delivers it’s humanitarian aid when a drop in the w...

February 22, 2016


We’ve left refugees to their fate before in Europe. They were Jewish. For the next hundred years we would wax lamentations about the horror they were left to die in. We seem keen to repeat at the...

February 21, 2016

Kesha vs Dr. Luke

Perhaps I need correcting, so someone please correct me, re: Kesha. In 2011 under oath and deposition she said he didn’t rape her, drug her or do anything, others varified this in court. Sony als...

I wonder how many white people are aliented from social change because there corrolate the terms racism with racial abuse…and no one bothered to simply state that a common usage of “racism” is to...

January 16, 2016

Language ar' lad!

Buzzfeed essentially just impled that everyone in Manchester is a boozey, violent skumbag but they do it in a funny way, slightly spiced with accurate renditions of local slang and in our self-de...

“I feel like if you do believe that men and women have equal rights, if someone asks if you’re a feminist, you have to say yes, because that is how words work,” I am a feminist (in the popular d...

Like a lot of people today I’ve just spent a while refreshing my opinions of groupies, peadophiles and the nature of the relationship between powerful men and the young girls who want them. I fee...

January 09, 2016

Solidarity with the enemy?

Re; The Bundy Federal building occupation… and I suppose many things that cause a barny, like Germaine Greer and Non Human Animals First… Should we show support to people taking political action ...

So Cards Against Humanity gave their factory workers in China a paid week of leave and the world sings their praises. What about the other 51 weeks? Let’s also not forget that the next part of “E...

December 08, 2015


SO… let’s assess… We just bombed our allies when we’re supposed to get the baddies, but we’re saying it wasn’t us and no one seems to be tracking whose doing what… Bombing Syria would make terror...

Written as a reaction a friend sharing THIS ARTICLE You are astute, intelligent human beings, can I ask is it your honest opinion that a person with a dodgy and dangerous idea should not be allo...

November 15, 2015


They do not act in the name of their people, their faith, their lands or nation. Fanatical and twisted they are pushed by shadowy oligarchs, sold dreams of heaven and duty for profit and power. T...

One:- Don’t Snitch… Mostly used by Street Gangs to suppress and keep in line the innocent people who have to live with them… I don’t think talking to the police is all too fantastic but until rev...

June 16, 2015


“OBYAVLENIYA KOMANDA 135” [Command 135 Initiated] The last message broadcast by UVB-76 in 2013.... which is still broadcasting by the way. Broadcasting since atleast the early 80’s UVB-76, also ...

June 15, 2015

Rakan Hassan

This photo by Chris Hondros was taken in Tal Afar (Iraq) in 2005. The child’s name is Rakan Hassan, US Troops had shortly before opened fire on his family as they did not stop for a checkpoint, k...

Do not forget that the police smashed in the windows of vehicle with babies in, windows of peaceful people, They charged in with batons, broke bones and stole peoples homes. ” According to The Ob...

Book Description

Politics and such…
It’s a messy game, ain’t it?