
Various Endearments

by eolhsand

Entries 22

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December 12, 2016

lost my journal

Finals are nearly over. Guh. While I appreciate the necessity of studying library management and administration (on account of, you know, having to work with people to get the things you want), I...

December 09, 2014


Spent the early morning imagining someone else could see through my eyes. Looked at the colors differently. Found every blue thing in the room. A good thing.

May 31, 2014

I Saw Some Photo

I miss making wine disappear with Mike. That's all!

May 28, 2014

A Thing I Gave

I bought him a book. I bought him a world. Several. And I lent him worlds too.

April 19, 2014


He's dead. It's awful.

April 19, 2014

What Happened in 1999?

David told me about a clever way these history majors rate girls: the girls are ascribed years. It's a four point system. The first is 0-1, 0 being not hot and 1 being hot. The second rates the f...

Plotinus on the essential nature of virtue is nice and clever: "If a fire is to warm something else, must there be a fire to warm that fire? Against the first illustration it may be retorted that...

We have always known that we are fighting something, when we strive to be noble. I have no patience for the despair at the biological/neural drives behind man's action. The Greeks knew that a man...

March 15, 2014

Memento Mori

My grandfather died on Wednesday, which I found out last night. "Aubade" is in my head and I'm sad.

March 12, 2014

A Girl in Winter

That was a singularly gorgeous, oppressive novel. Christ.

March 05, 2014

Why We Fight

I was thinking about how we choose our friends more or less arbitrarily when we're little. Then something changes, and we look for friends who suit us (whether or not we find them is, of course, ...

February 25, 2014

Bussokusekika (first attempt)

A gust bends the hair Into a spindly halo While we are walking. I wish you wouldn’t notice Me tame it back into place, Worried you will see yourself.

February 22, 2014

Not a Surprise

Wasn't accepted to Brown. I knew it was a long shot from the outset, but I'm still sad. Only two schools have contacted (and rejected) me out of the nine at this point, but I'm still nauseating...

I have these moments where I'll browse memories, and then all of a sudden, I'll think I'm living in the days I've been thinking about. I thought it was late autumn during my senior year of high s...

February 12, 2014

The Cleverless Me

Joyful yesterday and today. Last night, Willow and I made spaghetti, and Kalil came over to watch The Hedgehog. I wept big, unattractive, German tears. Manly tears. It was incredible. Of course, ...

February 08, 2014

That Magic

Yesterday was good and vibrant. Woke up with news mitigating the disappointment of a grad school rejection: I was nominated the outstanding graduating senior in the Philosophy department. Hooray!...

February 08, 2014

A Cover

The facial expressions can be a bit much, but his range is incredible and he does a fantastic job. Let It Go Cover - bearded man

February 06, 2014


I made a fort in the break area at work. It's enormous! Also, spinning in circles.

February 06, 2014

Gold Lining

Anxiety's returned. Yesterday I got my first grad school rejection...via email (classy, Northwestern University). I applied to seven other schools, and it's a good thing no one else has gotten in...

February 02, 2014

Really Kindly

My room has the ghost smell of wine and a hint of cinnamon, which I'm liking and hoping won't go away. Josh and Adam's friends are long gone. I met one of Aaron's doppelgangers tonight, which was...

February 01, 2014

Blue Shoes

Nighttime makes nearly everyone melancholic. "Remembrance, like Rembrandt, is dark but festive." In the winter dark and in the chill from the bare and pretty iced window I'm annoyed because I've ...

January 30, 2014

Was Ich Tun

Today we watched Jenseits der Stille and I got to cry in front of all those classmates. Nun ja. Weinende ist, was ich tun. I love the clarinet, which doomed me. I get that perverse jouissance fro...

Book Description

Open Diary is dying, which is sad. I’m here now, pretty excited, feeling new, with a foamy coffee and jitters over the name I picked for myself and work in four minutes. This book is an online journal, not fiction, unless I feel like it.