
'that night/the Milk Night'

by nothispenelope

Entries 8

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‘ so in my entry from.......the 17th quoting. an entry from. the 1st i state: ‘ ‘ since I uh. no actually it wasn’t due to my ED........i lost my uh ‘battle’, as i call it. well..........I. kind...

‘ from. may 1st: ‘ since I uh. no actually it wasn’t due to my ED........i lost my uh ‘battle’, as i call it. well..........I. kindof...........OD’d........ 5 yrs. ago. yeah............and f*. oh...

‘ so. on ‘that night’. the night that i. i recently wrote about the night of the OD. i remember the argument but i don’t remember what happened leading up to that point. like. i guess. i would’v...

‘ um. so i remembered more of that night. the night i almost um left. a little over 3 yrs. ago. i remembered. that i got as i call it TMI sick. i won’t put, when that happened but apparently it h...

‘ so in my last entry i started to go through the timeline of events from ‘that night’ 3 yrs. ago. apparently it was a fri. i remember it being dark when things started happening er it was alread...

‘ right so. well i was thinking about the night i almost um well left. well no. ok so the last time evan called me we were talking about it cause i had a question on it for him. and the question ...

‘ this goes along w/ my ‘um’ entry. [btw how do we link entries?] a whole entry about milk. wow. so............right the almost 3 yrs. ago ED thing. well like i said apparently evan gave me milk ...

‘ ‘recovery’, frank turner. that song makes me so happy. [as does ‘empire state of mind’]. it reminds me of when I was sick. actually no that’s not exactly why it makes me happy. actually evan’s ...

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