Anonymous results of survey in These titles mean nothing.
- July 1, 2024, 7:49 a.m.
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- Public
Keep in mind I used to do this kind of number play in my old old old job.
Also keep in mind that I was being paid to do it.
Also that I had better equipment both personal and professional when I was being paid for it.
Keep also in mind that it’s all a figment of my imagination and we are all in a cloud of uncertainty and prejudice.
Keeping all that in mind, thank you for your participation.
I had 21 comments - some public and some private.
Some left liberal/conservative ratings and some did not.
Some left explanations and some did not.
Everyone was reasonable.
I think you all.
I just averaged the results two different ways.
One came up 5.0 and the other came up 4.2.
I suppose my noters skew a little lefty but I think it’s a reasonable result.
I used to have a sweet little scientific calculator with a great statistical function. I haven’t seen it in several years. It had gotten pretty old - it would be 40 yrs old now. It was a Casio and later I bought a number of the same calculators at Radio Shack. How long ago that seems. How long ago that was.
I guess my computer still has a spreadsheet. I haven’t looked or used it in a long time. The last time was when I made the fair book and wanted to be able to insert and delete rows and I wanted to be able to sort lines. I was proud of that - it was after I no longer had access to Excel and work so I had to do it at the library. I was proud that I could make it jump through little hoops.
I am proud of and grateful for that part of my life. Yup, I am.
Here’s a picture of the northern sky sunrise, I talked about a while ago.
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