
Flash Friday

by haredawg drools

Entries 185

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January 19, 2015

Sans prompts it all unravels

“What’s wrong with him?” “Lights off ; everybodies home.” “MPD? Bi-polar?” “Bi-polar like a fox.” “You know I’m standing right here.” “You know you’ve referred to yourself twice now in the third ...

So this morning there was most of a sketch of a flash on my desktop. It must be mine. It’s very cold outside, but warmer than predicted and much sunnier than predicted. It’s funny, local newscent...

Sympathy windy bony The road climbed the bony spine of the something something hills or mountains; some local conceit. The maps came from a drug runner/junk man; some footpaths were scrawled in c...

twinkled asphalt copper Glass twinkled on my forehead, the cop turned the flash-light away and apologized. He almost apologized. I’m sure he meant too. Bit’s of glass and bits of my forehead litt...

“Genetic experiments or did someone get sausage on an olive pizza?” “What?” “I heard noise.” “Numb-nuts seems to think stoner strength beats mommy strength.” “Oh, I know this one ‘Dude, a mom ca...

“Hubris? Hubris? Fuck muffin it’s solipsism, the earth spins on its axis just to please your conceited ass.” She smiles; it darkens the room. “So that’s how you get hard.” Spit, white and hard, ...

“Where are we going? And what are we doing in this handbasket?” “Fuck your mother.” “She’s dead you sick fuck.” Paint roared through the sky, splattering the trees with bright neon pink, green, b...

Down the street the dogs are barking below the ragged caw of a crow and the pulsing wave of cricket chirps, a distant siren and the air, heavy, settling into restless leaves along shady avenues. ...

“Did you cry in my beer?” “Why do you ask? Would it comfort you to know I was as fucked up as the rest of y’all? Well, I’m not.” “Nope. Just optimism. Tastes like bodily fluids. I was hoping for ...

“Looks like Pinata weather” He wanted me to ask what that meant. I’d rather chew tacks. “Yep.” “Where’d the summer go?” You don’t get to be an old catfish like me swimming this vale of tears by ...

“We pitch camp here.” The sun was hours from dying in the western hills and the site was further from water and rockier than we’d been choosing. Johns jaw twitched like he was going to say somet...

There aren’t hard and fast rules to how to pick a ride; if you need them maybe you should take a bus. A beat to shit Chevy pick-up with a gun-rack and a bumpersticker that reads “Ass, Grass or Ca...

August 05, 2014

Six word x plus prompt

!) Rust never sleeps nor does flesh 2) Her eyes stars in troubled skies 3) Leopards can’t change spots; nor giraffes New Prompt

August 03, 2014

Six word prompt

Ultimately all that’s left is Dance

The door opened, he came in with the bitter cold, a stiff wind and a pea coat. I hadn’t seen him in twenty years. The bitter cold and the wind I saw a half an hour ago. There was a three piece ...

“You may sit down.” “Oh it’s a sure bet. Puntacana Tesoro, neat.” “I don’t know what that is, I meant you may be seated.” “Rum. You mean I can sit? You know I’m already on my ass, right? I’m p...

Almost half-way between Portland and Government camp at the base of Mt. hood is a little town called zig-zag. Because this is a flash and the prompts are Zig-zag, scuttle and cure, I am going to ...

“The guy liked the classics, whaddagonnado?” “Hemlock though?” “Like I said he liked the classics.” “Son of a bitch.” “He was looking at a nickel upstate and had this growth in his lung that ...

“She bit me.” She had bit him. She backed up to me and sat at my feet. Her lip showed small teeth as she growled. “Come.” He stayed in the shadows. “C’mon boy, I ain’t talking to the dog, s...

If you keep still you can see it or feel it, it depends on how you experience things; some folks thoughts are like a carnival ride, everything all hurky jerky, wind and the flash of lights. It’s ...

“… so, see? I was a kid scared to death of clowns. Ain’t that a hoot?” “No.” “What?” “No, it ain’t a hoot. It’s the most common god damned story I’ve ever heard. It’s like finding Jesus in a f...

The hunting party crouched by the fire. The chief had built this fire among the rocks where the wind would not tempt it and where the prey could not see it. His two sons and one other man sat aro...

“Love is a dog.” She scowled, wrapped her cowl tighter around her neck. “Yes, it drinks from the toilet bowl, chews meat from the bone and sucks the marrow, humps your leg and licks its own ass...

The delicate bones of Barky, the dwarf lop-ear, stuck up through the shoe box and the shallow earth like the mast of a ghost ship. My daughter’s cheeks were wet, but for a long time we just knelt...

“Urban Voodoo.” It’s the little things that turn the screw, strip the threads of romance until it becomes that ugly R word; relationship. Relationship has fifty pounds all around the hips and as...

Book Description

It’s all the same day, man