
Quotations to remember

by ODSago

Entries 10

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“‘Who lives? Who dies? Who tells your story?’ It’s a question for the characters on that stage, and it’s also a question for the audience. It leaves you reckoning with: Wait, who does tell my...

“The truth knocks on the door. You say, ‘Go away. I’m looking for the truth.’ And so it goes away.” (Robert Pirsig –Quoted in The Art of Pilgrimage (37)).

Relationship is primary…it is possible to cause seemingly biochemical changes through human emotional involvement. You literally [can] change [a person’s] chemistry by being [a] friend. Dr. Mark ...

January 27, 2018

Quotation from Emerson

ON SUCCESS To laugh often & much. To win the respect of intelligent people & the affection of children. To earn the appreciation of honest critics & endure the betrayal of false frien...

Wordsworth’s Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood– Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, or glory in the flower; We will grieve not, r...

January 17, 2018

From a flip calendar

To love and be loved is like feeling both sides of the sun. David Vincent Found this on a diary entry in 2000, mentioned it was my favorite quotation of the past year on a flip calendar .

January 15, 2018

What has to be mastered

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, I have lived through this horror. I can take the ...

January 15, 2018

From the Talmud

Friends are the medicine of life.

You don’t have to understand electricity to use it.

Father-in-law to widow: It’s been five years. When will you stop living your husband’s life and begin living yours? From: Together Again

Book Description

a list of quotations I want to remember and access