
The Dark Room

by Misty Michael

Entries 3

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June 18, 2017

In Law Frustrations

Through this experience.....currently and throughout the past 11 months, I feel that my level of frustration with my inlaws has grown. This is primarily my MIL and my SIL. FIL has so many healt...

June 17, 2017


So, silence is my choice of therapy. Yes, that seems to be how I’m processing my life right now, although it may also be that I’m so busy that the thought of putting my thoughts into words is ex...

May 30, 2017

Jr. High Lust

One very dorky, underdeveloped 12/13 year old, developed one of her first “crush” type feelings toward one very hot teacher. Yup! You got it, that was me! It was one of his first teaching posit...

Book Description

Serious Stuff that One Hides from the Real World