
NoJoMo 2016

by Hypnotica

Entries 5

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November 10, 2016

NoJoMo 10

I’m not doing very well with NoJoMo because I have a new job and everything is mad busy. I am SO TIRED today. I’m also trying to get my attendance up at roller derby so I am eligible to play in o...

November 06, 2016

Nojomo 6

6) What smell are you grateful for today? The sweet crisp scent of New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. And that’s why I can’t be arsed answering yesterday’s prompt or writing anymore of this entry

November 04, 2016

NoJoMo 4

4) List 10 songs you’re into right now. This is a toughie! 1) Good Grief - Bastille 2) Adulthood - Jukebox The Ghost 3) Home - Gabrielle Aplin 4) This Town - Niall Horan 5) Frank Turner - The N...

November 03, 2016

NoJoMo 3

So today’s prompt is: 3) What kind of person attracts you/what attracted you to your SO? These are 2 very separate questions in my opinion! I am physically attracted to all kinds of people for al...

November 02, 2016

NoJoMo 1

So I’l never write an entry a day because that never happens but I’ll give it a bash and write more than usual at least right?! In real news, I got a new job. It’s in the same department as my ol...

Book Description

Prompt list by the inky kitty

1) Talk about what bothers you this time of year.
2) Someone you’d like to meet.
3) What kind of person attracts you/what attracted you to your SO?
4) List 10 songs you’re into right now.
5) What would your ideal day look like?
6) What smell are you grateful for today?
7) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
8) Do you have any special Thanksgiving traditions?
9) Something you’re still not sure about.
10) What are 10 things people don’t expect about you?
11) Share your zodiac sign. Does it apply to you? Why or why not?
12) List 10 items that are in your bag or purse.
13) What holiday are you grateful for?
14) What is your guilty pleasure?
15) What are your plans for Thanksgiving Day?
16) What are your top 5 favorite movies?
17) Name 3 things you are proud of about your personality.
18) List 30 facts about yourself.
19) What are 3 things you would like for your next birthday, as gifts?
20) What small thing you use daily are you grateful for?
21) Discuss your current relationship.
22) Share your favorite pumpkin pie recipe.
23) How do you spend a rainy day?
24) Something you can’t seem to get over.
25) Write about 3 celebrity crushes.
26) What is the most important thing you did/need to do today?
27) What in nature are you grateful for?
28) List your highs and lows, so far, of 2016.
29) What is your earliest memory?
30) Write about the people who make your life better.