
Juggling with Hedgehogs

by Icklewriter

Entries 55

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January 28, 2014

Posting a pic

Got it! Took this today in the absence of something interesting to photograph. It was a horrible, grey blustery day. This little white flower (I don't know what it is) really cheered me up.

With the shock announcement that Opendiary is definitely going, I find myself here. This is a strange place to me. I don't understand it, I don't know how to find people, but hey ho, it's a dia...

August 14, 2013


I witnessed something quite staggering yesterday. It was one of those moments – well actually a series of moments that lasted about an hour - that left me truly discombobulated. I’m sure the re...

August 13, 2013

Meeting special people

I met 3 special people this morning. First of all Sandra Gregory whose book helped me get through the early stages of my son's incarceration. It's a harrowing book, but I'm one of these people w...

Book Description

I write about the kind of things that would normally fill the pages of a novel. In other words my life (which is odd, to say the least). I work in telly, I have discovered a number of siblings I never knew I had, my children are musicians, and I’m currently estranged from them both due to a manipulative liar of an ex-husband, and I just about manage to stay on the safe edge of sane. Well, I claim to, I’m not sure anyone would really believe me.