The Week from Hell in Life

  • July 6, 2019, 3:47 a.m.
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Okay so that’s being a little dramatic and while I do tend to air (is that the right use?) on the side of dramatic flare, that’s not what I want this to be all about. I swear! I have good times too!

So lets go way back to Friday. Remember how I had something to do every day of the weekend and it was gonna be madness and non-stop social fun?

While BBG had another plan.

It all started with Friday Night. We were having some friends over, one of who was in the recovery phase of a bad cold and “No longer contagious” Which I don’t know if that’s true or bullshit but I’ve 100% said the same thing myself before so I’m running with that.

At around 1 or 2 on Friday, Pam says “Smitty suggested Taco’s” and I was like “Wat?” and she goes on to tell me that I’m to cook dinner for us and our friends tonight. Not something I was expecting to do and honestly, something that pissed me off as I was not asked, just expected to cook for these extra people last minute but I had beer so I drank till I enjoyed cooking again and it really doesn’t bother me that much anymore.

So that goes well, the kitchen that I spent hours cleaning is (was) now a mess again but I go to put Elly down and she feels a little warm, I chalk it up to people being around and the extra activity and the such. The next morning when I wake up to get her out of the crib her back is drenched in sweat and she feels much hotter to the touch. Check her temp and sure enough she’s at around 98 (under the arm) so we dose her with some Advil and keep an eye on it. This goes on until Monday with the fever peaking at 99.2. The advil is enough to keep it down but she’s still crabby and not sleeping well, which means we’re not sleeping well and I slowly start to degrade into the patience of a quick burn fuse.

But the weekend is blown. No Pool and BBQ, no Canada day fireworks but I did make it out to Dad’s with her to get some fresh air, hoping that would work as her appetite continues to dwindle rapidly.

Once we get her to the Doctor on Monday he can’t find anything infection wise so he thinks it may be viral or a UTI so now, we have to get a urine sample from a 6 month old baby girl who is peeing maybe 3 times a day. Pam insists that we try that night, I get pissed off at her because she keeps pushing it and I know our baby isn’t gonna pee at a time where we can make it to a lab with the sample. She makes some snarky comment about how I think Plastic is more important than our daughter so I call her a fucking bitch (Because c’mon, guilt trip? like that, that’s fucking low in my books) but I say “Fuck it, fine, we’ll do it your way” and she backs down once I start getting aggressive but I don’t let her, she started this train lets ride!

So we bathe the baby, she goes nuclear because she’s already hot and doesn’t want to be bathed, I try cooling down the water and she gets even more mad so I soap her up, wipe her down and apologize for my outburst. Not because I was actually sorry, because I wasn’t and I’m still not, it was a bitch move and I would never say something like that to her, using our daughter as a playing piece.

But I digress. I just wanted the peace.

After the bath Pam attaches the urine bag to Elly’s yahoo and hopes for the best. 2 hours go by, all the labs are closed, and you can’t keep a sample over night because it’ll deteriorate too far to be useful. I resist the urge to say “I fucking told you so!” so now we have one bag left to try all day tomorrow (Tuesday) instead of having 2 bags because desperate attempt to make a dehydrated baby pee is desperate.

mutter mutter

So Pam spreads the baby-bits and attaches the bag better (it has a ‘light adhesive’) and unsurprisingly baby doesn’t like that one bit. So I’m there with a baby who’s got a bag taped to her most sensitive areas trying to prevent her from squirming too much and that goes over about as well as one would expect. Never the less we manage to get a few drops of pee actually in the bag (literally a few drops) and I take it in because even if it’s not enough, we still need to get more fucking bags.......

Thankfully, it’s enough for the office but she warns me that if we went to a Lab that they would not have been happy with the results.

Regardless of all the drama there was no sign of a UTI but she was dehydrated (Which we knew) so we’re trying to pound Pedilyte into her which tastes like boiled down Gatorade (Although apparently it’s great for hangovers?) and eventually, Wednesday night/Thursday morning the fever breaks and she’s almost back to being our little girl again.

There was a lot of fear and worry kicking around, there’s nothing like picking up your child and being like “damn, you are physically hot to the touch” and that’s mildly terrifying. She’s still a little crabby and having difficulty sleeping because of the aftershock of the fever, but her eating and peeing is back up to standard so we got that going for us which is nice.

All and all I’m super burnt out, mentally, emotionally, and physically and I really just want to take two days off and sleep in a sound proof room.

But some of my In-laws arrive today, more tomorrow and they’re here all weekend. Thank goodness I like my in-laws but I don’t know where I’m going to grab up the energy to deal with these people. I might actually just peace out after an hour and let Pam chill with them while I go and read or something…

Provided I don’t have to make dinner for them ;)

Mood: Bitchy & Tired

DE_KentuckyGirl July 06, 2019

Ugh it sucks so much when the babes are sick!

And i totally get pissy when volunteered to do something and wasnt asked. My hubby is bad about that. Grrr! I have flat out refused before and told him to do it since he promised it, but sometimes it will work out, like it did with you it seems. I would not have felt 1 iota of guilt sending the culprit to the store to buy premade taco shit, and serve that!! Haha!

Glad it was nothing more serious with the little. Totally fine for you to peace out and let your wife handle her family if youre tapped out.

Oh and I laughed at the "you started this train let's ride it out!" Haha!

DE_Da_Bartender DE_KentuckyGirl ⋅ July 11, 2019

Pam has told me several times that I'm getting known for making up 'sayings' on the spot that no one has ever heard before but like... I guess I sound real confident when I say them so people just go with it. You can use that one if you want! lol

Shannonly DE_Da_Bartender ⋅ July 11, 2019

I'm about to pick a fight just to be able to throw down that train line. (Twisting the truth in the process, naturally) LOL!

Deleted user July 06, 2019

Is there some reason your wife could not have helped you cook and clean the kitchen ? Sheesh !
Babies can be so stressful :-) whenever they get sick, it’s a huge worry . The next time she has a fever you can put her in a bath that is just a little more than Luke warm and make sure to get her hair wet too . Then pat her dry but mostly let her air dry before you put clothes back on her . When the water evaporates , it brings her fever down . Water evaporating from their heads cools them very fast . If you don’t feel up to doing the bath ; you can strip her down and sponge her with warm water then again let her mostly air dry . You can alternate using children’s Tylenol and children’s Ibuprofen as directed . Get her to take fluids ( whatever she will drink but it’s great if she will do Pedialyte ) Some babies love to have popsicles to gum on and they get fluids that way too . Chicken broth is good . Tiny chips of ice that she can let dissolve in her mouth ( but not choke on ) is good .
I hope she is all better by now !!

DE_Da_Bartender Deleted user ⋅ July 11, 2019

Those are all really great idea's that I'm going to remember for next time. A lot of them seem so common sensicle like "oh yea I remember my parents doing that" but in the moment it's all lost to worry. I'll have to make a steel cage in my mind for these ones. Thanks!

Shannonly July 11, 2019

Fever is so scary. When I had a little one, I learned to keep those fever patches on hand in case a fever spiked up over 101 and you needed quick help until the ibuprofen could kick in. They call them "cool patches" and they are for children, though reading the label is a good idea for the age ranges. I would put one on the forehead and cut one into pieces and place on the inner wrists to cool things down faster. I'm glad little one is feeling better!

SweetMelissa July 26, 2019

Glad she’s feeling better. Having a sick baby is such a helpless feeling

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