06/07/2019 in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • June 7, 2019, 6:39 p.m.
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As of today, I’ve officially had my Soul for 3 years. And by Soul, I mean Kia Soul. In 3 years, it has accumulated a little over 92,000 miles. It has driven from WA to WI and back again, WA to southern and northern Oregon and back a few times (for football), and a lot of commuter mileage between home and work and work/football/home when I was playing football. My car loan is for 5.5 years of monthly payments, so its gotta last 2.5 more years or I gotta pay it off early lol. Its also my ex’s 33rd birthday today. His birthday has nothing to do with the date that I gifted myself my car; its simply the date that my last car simply stopped being over 20% reliable (refused to go in reverse, shook in speeds excess of 50 mph).

My date went well last night, but I’m terrified that I’m letting my emotions get ahead of myself. I’m scared that I like him more than he likes me. He belongs to a pretty big social group between his motorcycle club, his softball team, and his group of friends from work and he has all of these vacations lined up. So my low self-esteem is like “what would he possibly want anything to do with you?” There was mention that he might be available to do something on Sunday after my non-tackle football game, so we’ll see.

I start therapy again with my therapist on Monday! I have a lot to unload.

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