I have a date tonight in 2019 Amazing Stories!

  • June 3, 2019, 7:49 p.m.
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So I had kind of taken a hiatus from dating for a bit there. Like a solid 2 months off after my eHarmony subscription expired (no reason to renew, same quality of dating pool on there as the other apps that don’t charge $). But I’ve been casually chatting this person through Tinder this weekend and they don’t appear to sound like a creep as of yet, so we are going out for drinks tonight.

I’m not getting my hopes up, but I am slightly proud of lowering my “low faith in humanity/trust no one” guard down and putting myself back out there. And I really don’t like feeling the way I’ve been feeling and feeling like I can’t trust anyone. Because that’s not true. Sure I’ve been trying to involve myself in team sports and outdoor adventures as much as humanly possible, but all of those things are attempts to fill a huge void of loneliness I feel every day of not having someone to talk to when I need someone to talk to. So that’s happening. So far I’ve confirmed they have a full time job and a vehicle, so the absolute minimum requirements have been met.

So yeah, hopefully my next update says that it was a pleasant date!

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